Why no cry over Bishop’s assertion?

via HK published on August 4, 2006

Alas Christians in the country also slowly started to recognize the growing menace of Islam “Kerala will be Islamic State in 20 years”


The same warning was given to the Hindus in the country by RSS Sarsangh chalak Shri Sudarsanji.


At that time, whole Pseudo secular brigade took sword against his remarks, they were not even ready to analyse the facts and figures behind his advice and why he urged Hindus the need of population rise among Hindus, and they were busy communalizing the whole episode to taint his and RSS image.


Now the same threat came from the mouth of a Bishop no one wants to condemn it. HaindavaKeralam request our readers to go through following links and understand the true nature of these noise machines.


Check these two reports from Telegraph on same issue.


1) RSS population pill in this news piece note the sarcasm in reporting.


2) Church asks faithful to multiply, See how their tone changed, we can see their hidden inclination towards Christians.


Here comes CPM’s Brinda Karat’s taunting reaction to Sudarsanji’s remark by “Population has nothing to do with religion”. We Challenge her to issue a similar statement against Cardinal Varkey Vithayathil.


Now comes the remarks of self imposed Women liberation fronts concern

AIDWA hits out at RSS call to produce more children.

We wonder whether AIDWA is worried only about Hindu Women. Why not their sympathy now reaches out to Christian women?


We request the Anti-Hindu daily ‘The Hindu’ to find out what Brinda Karat and AIDWA has to say about this Bishop’s statement.

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