Why Is Amritha TV ashamed to back VHP?

via HK published on June 19, 2008

Many bloggers and websites had earlier written on the obvious connection between Amritha TV and the left groups considering the wide array of leftist supporters they had running the channel. But the most sticking evidence was given when the channel almost made the Late Swami Satyananda Saraswati’s Samadhi a simple scrolling line and decided to telecast the Bishops funeral live. The channel was forced to apologize for its criticism of P.Parameswarji, RSS ideologue, after viewers sent countless e-mails and websites like Haindava Keralam issued open criticisms.

The last few days saw the mutt’s ashram in Kozhikode coming under attack by the Yuvajanavedi after leftist thinker Sukumar Azhikode accused Amma of having illicit funds. The Ashram was immediately surrounded by hundreds of VHP activists and the march was blocked. The police force present even went to the extent of manhandling the VHP activists. Amma’s ashram has often been close to the Sangh Parivar with countless number of Sangh activists and high profile leaders like O.Rajagopal being devotees. The birthday celebration held in Cochin in 2003 saw the complete Sangh machinery actively working along with the mutt in basic arrangements including security.

But the obvious and devious route of Amritha TV was exposed when it chose not to mention the role of the VHP in thwarting the attack at the mutt and instead proclaimed that the local people of Kozhikode assembled to protect the ashram. The channel simply twisted the news report. It seems a group within the ashram is hell bent on supporting the leftist blackmail of the ashram. The Leftist who have now come out with their brand of leftist Hinduism is probably expecting Amma to give her sanctions to it.

All other Media used that issue to criticize and ridicule VHP, Is it a little more if we expect that Amrita TV atleast air the unbiased version?  Amrita TV crew who were present there and the Ashram knows that those who assembled there were not locals (Of course there will be locals also) but the proud Hindus who came forward from various places following the call of VHP to protect the ashram. 

Amma itself went to RSS Headquarters in Nagpur pair tribute to Guruji during birth centenary celebrations . If Amma has no qualm in participating a meeting in RSS Headquarters, Why the Amrita TV practice such bias when coming to Hindu organisations?

 If there are communist Infiltrators within the Ashram and in Amritha TV to implement the Communist agenda, Amma’s devotees should identify and expose them. 

If Amritha TV  is  ashamed  to say  VHP protected the Ashram,  it necessarily  won’t make  much difference as ,Hindu Organisations in Kerala is well experienced on the double standards of Kerala Media, Hindu organisations activities are not for name or fame – But for the survival of Sanathanadharma. 

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