Why Hindus are treated as Non Entity in India?

via Dr Babu Suseelan published on October 16, 2011

riminals, vagabonds, miscreants, cheaters, criminals and law abusers and violators are now ruling India. Criminal Politicians, corrupt bureaucrats, and law enforecement officials in India act with out fear, shame or guilt. They have no empathy for the Indian victims.
In Democratic countries law enforcement officials ensure that criminals, corrupt bureaucrats, money launderers and robbers are arrested, prosecuted and sentenced for long  prison terms for the safety and security of society. For democracy to prevail such strict guidelines and enforcement are required.

Unfortunately, India who claims to be the largest democracy, citizens elect, retain, reelect and acclaim corrupt politicians who cheat, loot and plunder the wealth of the poor people. In India, the, Hindus disfranchise themselves. Since they have less concerns, the government support looters, Jihadi terrorists, conversion gang,anti nationalists, bogus secularists, and those Marxist misfits who are against Hindus. The general public (majority Hindus) are brainwashed, mentally misdirected, and made them submissive zombies by phony secularists, alienated intellectuals,and bleeding heart liberals. The silent majority is indoctrinated through McCauly Education and media game to tolerate and compromise with evil and compromise with criminal politicians, Jihadi terrorists, missionary mafia, money launderers, currupt burocrats and drug  pushers. . How could one explain this social pathology?  Tamil Nadu is ruled by the corrupt anti Hindu Dravidian Parties. UP has retained plunderer Mayavathi as Chief Minister.  India is the only country where Mafia Leaders, political big wigs, and business tycoons never  serve long term prison sentences for their crime and corruption. MPs and MLAs get big salary and allowance for their meaningless and useless legislative participation and debates supporting alien rule and Jihadi subsidy. Instead of studying and  enacting integrating and nationalist policies, they are keen on passing bills that will ensure division and destruction of the country.
There is no social check or external restraints for any individual endorsing  or supporting corrupt politicians, anti nationalists, and  Jihadi terrorists. Criminal and corrupt politicians will ensure that constitutional checks and restraints are not enforced. India is the only country in the world where the Supreme  Court Chief Justice is appointed based on caste and political consideration. The past Supreme court Chief Justice has amassed wealth disproportionate to his know income by corruption. No case was registered against him and he was appointed as the Human Rights Commissioner.
The majority (Hindus) are taught to be passive. The propensity for political passivity with Hindus disfranchise themselves. They have faith in personal conscience and Dharma. But those who do not believe in any personal conscience or Dharma are well organised, united and bargain for more. They get more than what they deserve. We admire our democracy, but we often ignore the importance of imposing restraints on Jihadis, anti nationals, and media persons who promotes terrorism, coercive religious conversion or corruption. No constitution can produce an effective, corruption free government based on Dharma until the majority (Hindus) increase in the extent of social prerequisites on these corrupt rulers.
A good deal is now known about the nefarious political activities of our bleeding heart liberals, phony secularists who support terrorists, social disruptor’s, and  Naxalite criminals. We know that their anti national activities are funded and directed by our foreign enemies.
Indian politicians ensure that Hindus are ignorant of of India’s history. They have tinkered with our education and kept the Islamic and Christian colonial education to make sure Hindus are kept in ignorance. Most Hindus have little knowledge of the centuries of history of Islamic conquests and Christian colonialism. Brutal Islamic conquest of India resulted in the deaths of hundreds of millions of Hindus, Buddhists, Jains and Sikhs. Millions of Hindus were forcefully converted and enslaved. Nor do most Hindus understand the Sharia-based subjugation of Hindus as “Dhimmis”. Hindus are treated as third class citizens in their own land even after independence from British Christian Colonialists. One of the most egregious error is that Hindus are indoctrinated to believe that Islamic invaders and Christian colonialists were tolerant, progressive and unified the nation.
The lies, bigotry, corruption, Islamic appeasement, coercive religious conversion, and policy failures must be exposed if Hindus are to ever understand not only what happened thousands of years ago but to understand Why Hindus are oppressed, maligned, and treated as third class citizens by the tyrannical Congress Party and pseudo secularism. For the corrupt and Hindu politicians in India, any insult, terrorism and violence against Hindus is correct. This is the piece of the puzzle Hindus fail to grasp. Hindus who want to protect their sacred Temples and snathana Dharma are provocateurs, a breach of peace which amounts to anti democratic, anti Islam and anti democratic. Muslims marching with swords and bombs, missionaries using deceptive methods, Marxists undertaking subversive activities, corruption, public looting are legitimate. It is a fair game for Jihadis to chop off hands of a professor, destruction of Hindu Temples and burning alive Hindu passengers in train.
Now we understand why Hindus are treated as Third Class Citizens in Our Motherland? It’s simple, knowledge eludes us. Why? I think the answer is that we expose facts and corruption, Islamic terrorism, Coercive religious conversion, Bureau pathology, and criminal politicians.
Let me conclude with the wisdom of Albert Einstein “The world is a dangerous place, not because of those who do evil, but because of those who look on and do nothing”.

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