Whose okay is needed for Koodunkulam?

via K Vijayan published on March 11, 2012

We had a feedback from a Very Senior Journalist that it will not be Joya’s letter to “Centre”, nor Sonia’s Intervention which will get Koodunkulam work back on track.

In the first place it will be Obama’s MNCs who will have to get Immediate, 100% payment in advance Sacrament for at least six NPee plants, with No Civilian or Military Compensation Clauses attached, and an Agreed Delivery Period of fifty years for the first plant to be delivered, though not commissioned. Then Obama will write to the Nazi Pope and the Geneva Head of Joshua International, who will call for the Ecumenical Council which alone is empowered to give the Final Clearance.

It is unfortunate that the Hindus have shoved their noses into these matters and stalled 1-2-3, NDeals, Armament Deals and Hyde & Seek Deals with the Greatest Christian Nation on Earth. They have only themselves to blame.

Our take on this is – The Ecumenical Council, as ragged and renegade a set of terrorist scoundrels as can be, are the Successors to East India Company.

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