Who will remove the Garbage on the Road to Ashram?

published on October 12, 2013


Hinduism (Santhan Dharma) is the oldest, surviving philosophical system (civilization) in the world. It is universal, has no founder, and has no strict rules or regulations. It is widely respected, and has 1.5 billion followers or more around the world.

Mr. G.P. Sreenivasan gives us an accurate commentary about its past, about the current state of affairs and future directions for Hindus to practice, preserve and promote Hindu civilization for the benefit of India and for the world. We are living in a digital world where consumerist capitalism, religious dogmas, fundamentalist conflicts are intertwined and undermine our efforts live in harmony and peace.
 In the five section book, G.P. Sreenivasan vividly describes Hindu past, reinterprets it in the light of sastras, and provides demographic profile, details of Judaism, Islam and Christianity and challenges posed by Islam and Christianity, and pseudo-secularism. He is of the view that saving Hindu civilization, we must dredge India. Sreenivasan gives a clear, correct and comprehensive account of current malice and present directive to save Hinduism from extinction for the benefit of the entire humanity.

It is a ground breaking work, an elegant and illuminating analysis of the central conflict of our time. Hinduism is faced with religious extremists of Islam and Christianity and pseudo-secularists. These diametrically opposed but strangely intertwined forces in India are tearing apart—and undermining our culture, democracy, and the national culture. Our nation is built by our heroes. Our Rishies, Sadhus and spiritual leaders. Our Vedic culture is rapidly declining in India.  For thousands of years we were under constant brutality from Islam and European Christians. As a result, so many practices were crept into India. G.P. Srinivasan in his book clearly depicts who will remove the garbage, filth and dirt from the streets to the Ashram?

On the one hand, capitalist consumerism, jihad terrorism, coercive religious conversion and polices of pseudo-secular government is creating obstacles in peace, progress and self-actualization of Hindus. On the other hand, Hindu Swamis are preaching and making every Hindu into a zombie.
Who Will Remove the Garbage to the Ashram?  G, P. Sreenivasan, has described the political landscape in India, and the powerful and paradoxical interdependence of enemy forces in our country. In this important book, G.P. Sreenivasan, points out the alarming repercussions if we fail to remove potent dirt for our survival. 

This book is an excellent work of persuasive originality and penetrating insight—-who will remove the GARBAGE on the Road to Ashram? Holds up a sharp, clear lens to the dangerous chaos faced by HINDU civilization created by our enemy agents and pseudo secularist Hindus.

 Critics and Intellectual leaders have already heralded GP. Sreenivasan’s work for its bold vision and moral courage. The book  is an essential text for anyone who wants to understand our troubled present and the crisis threatening our future.

G.P. Sreenivasan’s book “WHO WILL REMOVE THE GARBAGE ON THE ROAD TO ASHRAM? Is well worth reading. He gives an in depth analysis of Hindu civilization, its past and present trends and future directions.  His writing is compelling, impressive and a thorough engaging look at the current state of Hindus.

Who will remove the Garbage on the Road to Ashram? Is a distinct milestone in the analysis of current trends in Hinduism studies? ITS explanatory perspectives on the demographic, socio-psychological and historical, politico-economic causes of the decline of Hindu civilization are exceptionally insightful, and incisive.  The psychodynamics of the Hindu powerlessness and civilizational decline are presented here with a depth and clarity rarely seen before.

The main thesis of this book is that the existence of Hindus in the world in psychologically and politically mandated by Christians, Muslims and their cronies, the pseudo secular Hindus. The degradation and powerlessness of Hindu communities is designed to maintain the Islamic power and dynasty rule in India.

however, moves beyond the blaming victimizer. Its meticulous exposure of psycho-social- and political and intra-psychic dynamics of Hindus is startlingly revealing.

 I may say that Sreenivasan’s book “Who will remove the garbage on the road to Ashram? Is very persuasive and concentrating insight. I like Sreenivasan’s work for its bold vision and moral courage. This book is an essential text for anyone who wants to understand our troubled present and the crisis threatening our future.

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