Who for Prez?

published on May 5, 2012

We have been receiving quite a few letters and calls from Dilli Watchers of far greater eminence than the ones usually picked by Soniacorp to adorn National Councils, Commissions, Pee & other Ministers, (and we so are told, the next Spineless Wonder to head the Army) about who would be the Prez Candy Sonia will put up and All Inida Nodders will give the nod to. We have dropped out some names suggested by us earlier and give an up-dated list which has the highest chance of an All Party Concensus:

1. Alex Paul Menon  – of Sukhna abuction fame.
2. Muhammed Hanif Umerji Patil aka TIGER Hanif  – Waiting arrival to a tumultuous welcome in Dilli by a Special IAF Plane. (We have given the full name to emphasise the fact that outgoing Chor Prez is also a Patil, though with a Devi-sin attached)  Not to be confused with the earlier Ammijaan Hanif we have scratched out.
3. Leela Samson – defrocked Kaaalaa Kshetra cult- vulture. Has longer hair than Bible story Samson, and is a deadly mestizo mixture of Beni Israeli & Roman Catlick. Luckily too old for Rawhowl and hence no Threat.
4. MMS – he is the only person who can do more wasteful, useless and Sharamless International Traipsing in one day than Chor Italians in a month.
5. There have been many Voices raised in favour of having a First-Ever  Christian President. That would be a Two-stage, solid-fuel boosted, Double Whammy boosting our Secular Status into a higher Orbit. Alas there are too many Highly Suitable Names and we do not wish to fall foul of the Caste Christians who rule India. KGB, Kancha Iliah, Munaivar Theivanakum or his daughter . . . . . .

Point is will it or wont it be One More from The Madam’s Kitchen?

And please dont take umbrage that Madam is used in certain contexts to denote a Cathouse Owner.

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