Who cares a damn who this Witzel is and what is his opinion about Hinduism ?

via GSK Menon published on July 9, 2009

We Indians are always obsessed with White men and give undue importance to their utterances. Who is this chap Witzel ? Just because he is a Professor in Harvard does it make him a genius ? Why are we so fascinated by the mere mention of Harvard ? Harvard University and the staff therein are not the ultimate epitome of wisdom and knowledge. Harvard also has its own fair quota of fools, buffoons and morons who regularly pontificate on all kinds of subjects underneath the Sun. Who cares a damn who this Witzel is and what is his opinion about Hinduism ?

The enormous treasure trove of Hindu widom, knowledge, culture and philosophy can never be belittled by any Witzel. Hinduism does not need any certification from Harvard or Princeton. It has survived for 10,000years facing the onslaughts from tyrants and idiots alike. Today it is  battling against pseudo – secularists, alien religious forces and apathetic Hindus. It has been a continuous battle for Hinduism and it is still going strong and more strong. Today the whole world has acknowledged Yoga, Ayurveda, Vastushastra, as supreme pieces of precious wisdom. The entire world is following it. Who cares if Witzel has a different opinion ?

 Any White man can be purchased for a few dollars, especially Americans. Whenever I go to Kerala, the Headquarters of all Evangelical forces in India, I am proud to see the innumerable imitations of Hindu culture, rituals and rites being practiced. Erecting Dhwajastambhams, lighting Hindu lamps, creating idols of alien gods, feeding these idols, giving alien gods names of Hindu Gods & Goddesses, ditto imitations of Hindu temple rites, it makes me feel so proud that none of my ancestors converted to such bankrupt religions.

Witzel should be brought to Kerala, Tamilnadu Karnataka to see the shameless imitations being performed. Let him then realise the richness of Hinduism and its culture.

I will not blame Witzel,  it is the people who invited him deserve to be thrashed. 

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