When The Lost Brothers Met – A Report on the home coming of 1300 Muslims to Hindu fold

via http://agniveer.com/ published on February 7, 2012

Shahjahanpur.23 Dec 2011: Morning was approaching. It was an ordinary morning of 23rd of December, 2011. Sun was desperate to grow bright and spread its rays on entire humanity as a part of its daily ritual. It was rising in its forever august manner with a mission to remove the Darkness and fulfill the world with Brightness.

People were gathering around chai-waalas. Women were sweeping the floors. School children were getting ready to go to their schools. Some were going for a walk; some were still lazy in their beds. Shahjahanpur and Life in Shahjahanpur is not different from its other siblings in Uttar Pradesh with the exception that it is the Honored birthplace of a Legendary freedom fighter and martyr Pandit Ramprasad Bismil – true Son of Mother India. Bust of this patriot stood neglected in a small park, encroached by one of our desi chai-waalah.

But was this 23rd of December, 2011 an ordinary day in the history of Shahjahanpur? Or the Divine power had other plans in place for the day to come. Later we would discover through the Locals that on the fateful Morning of 23rd December there was something DIVINE happening in the surroundings of the city.

The air was cold but filled with unknown warmth. The night was dark but waiting for light to enlighten the city. The usual morning chaos were present everywhere but things were surprisingly in order. Sad faces were visible but eyes of those sad faces were gleaming for unknown reason.

Many people [regardless of their faith and way of life] had dreams of the previous night about some angels with white wings circling the city and their houses.

The atmosphere was charged up. The Sun was in hurry to spread its wings to welcome the angels with white wings.


As it turned out, this 23rd of December, 2011 was destined to witness glad tidings of change. Shahjahanpur had been chosen by the Merciful God to be a blessed city. Messengers of change were sent by HIM and those messengers had entered this blessed city the previous night.

The very first rays of sun with affection kissed the forehead of these messengers of change aka Agniveers as they stood in the Arya Samaj Temple ready to perform the divine task after their meditation. Within a matter of minutes the messengers of change from Agniveer had beautified the Arya Samaj Temple with Agniveer Banner, which read- VISHAL SHUDDHI YAJNA.

Morning was cold. Some persons shivered while others dared the cold. Happily daring were more in number. It was a “festival mood” in Shahjahanpur. After a while the messengers from Agniveer could hear the chants of Gayatri Mantra coming from all directions at regular intervals. Soon those voices kept coming near and near. The messengers were pleased to see that these rejoiced voices were of those blessed souls who had come with a soul purpose of leaving the darkness behind and walk towards enlightenment. These blessed souls kept repeating “Tamso Ma Jyotrigamay”.

These blessed people were chosen to be the first among countless souls who would later on embrace Vedic Dharma. Arya Samaj Temple was the place chosen  to perform this VEDIC SHUDDHI YAJNA.  Vehicles filled with people of all ages, Male, Female and children started to arrive. These 250 families had come for ‘SHUDDHI EVENT’ to embrace a life style which would transform their lives forever.  About 1200 persons had come to sow the seed of Humanity, brotherhood and Godly love in their hearts. These blessed souls had come to convey the message of Vedas “Peace Be Upon All and Hate None”.

The VISHAL SHUDDHI YAJNA started with seeking blessings of the God by reciting the most beautiful ‘Gayatri Mantra”. When these people started reciting Gayatri Mantra it could be heard by people in far places in the city.

Recitation of Gayatri Mantra by around 1,300 people had created such a magnetic impact which could be felt for days to come in the Arya Samaj Temple at Shahjehanpur. After then these blessed souls sat around holy fire [AGNI] on the altar and offered their prayers.

Captivating and charming sound of ‘Aum Swaha- Aum Swaha’ filled the atmosphere. These people were away from enlightenment for centuries and they did not know to recite the Vedic Mantra’s but the voice of “Aum Swaha” could be heard from miles away.

The messengers of change aka Agniveers also witnessed one more pleasant scene. These people had taken a vow to recite “Gayatri Mantra” in the morning an evening till they learn do proper “Sandhya” (a powerful meditation method for success).

Participants were so overwhelmed with the entire sequence of events that they formed small groups and started reciting “Gayatri Mantra” to each other so that they can keep this gift of God close to their hearts. It appeared that everything was happening with some kind of Divine Inspiration. We will never be able to forget those moments.

Messenger of change from Agniveer were treated by these participants like angels. Countless people had dreamt of  angels with white wings encircling the city and their houses previous night and the next morning they were meeting the Agniveers in white clothes. This was enough for the people to realize that everything that was happening was a Divine wish.  Whenever these small groups had difficulty is reciting the “Gayatri Mantra” or they had any other doubt they would call Agniveers.

It would be grossly unfair to the emotions of the participants if  this specific incident remained to be mentioned here. Out of 1,200 participants there were around 400-500 of our sisters and mothers.  When our sisters met the Messengers of Change and found that the angels with white wings were none other than Agniveers, the bond was immediately established between souls of brothers and sisters.

A small girl who told her name as Maimuna [ for life now “Manisha”] asked the Agniveers if she could tie Rakhi to Agniveers since she did not have brothers. Agniveers offered their hands but there was no Rakhi to tie. But these minor difficulties could not come in the way of relation of brothers and sisters which was established by God. The sacred thread [JANEU] was treated as Rakhi. All the eyes were wet with tears.

After seeing this some old ladies started to cry with happiness. “Rakshabandhan” was celebrated on 23rd December, 2011 in Shehjehanpur.

Afterwords, Manisha [formerly known as Maimuna] told that her mother had died while giving birth to 6th girl child. When Agniveers met Manisha’s father Shri Narsingh Thakur [formerly known as Noorjahan Teli] he told that his wife Khurshida was not in favor of another child but the local Maulvi had told him that children are gift of Allah and it was obligatory upon every Muslim to produce as many children as they can.  He informed us that Maulvi of his village had told him that Shri Narsingh Thakur will go to heaven since his three children had died while they had not attained puberty.

On being asked “why this Yajna”, another sister Vedika Singh Thakur [Formerly known as Nagma Sheikh] could not contain her emotions and shared her joy and happiness with everyone in these words -“This is not a ritual. This is my freedom from shackles of baseless tradition. In Islam I was always forced to hide myself behind Burqua. I was never considered equal to my male counterparts. Now I am free. I am equal to others. I feel liberated from “dakiyanoosi” thinking of earlier faith.”

Another brother Gyan Swarup Sharma [formerly known as Mohammed Giyasusudin ] expressed his happiness in these words  “we have done away with our ignorance. We want to have true knowledge. Only this Vedic culture makes us rational and reasonable as it has its very foundation on reason. This is the most rational philosophy in the world”. Number of people, number of views but amazingly all were submerged in humanity and love.

People wore sacred threads and took pledge that they would live a pure and noble life with peace and harmony, hate ignorance as a devil and educate their children at any cost. They will worship the True Vedic God, and not so called Gods of Mohammedans/Christians or any other God. They swore to not to tolerate any agent between them & their Almighty father.

All these blessed people promised in front of sacred fire [AGNI] that all those evil shameful practices of insulting woman- best creation of Supreme Lord, which were being observed by them due to their wrong belief, ignorance and social compulsion, i e.  Triple Talaq, Polygamy, Unequal rights of women in marriage, Nikah Halala, be immediately stopped and they will follow the message of Vedic God. They would respect women and won’t treat them as Half-Intelligent.

Another brother Yashpal Chauhan [ formerly known as Mohammed Yusuf khan] a resident of nearby village told the Agniveers that he had never before experienced such bliss in his life. He added “I was wandering in vain. Now I know my destination”.

Another brother Shivam Singh Chaudhary [ formerly knows as Mohammed Sadiq Ali] said “This is the religion of our ancestors who were converted by force. I have left that implied religion where I had no dignity. I am feeling like I have come to my home NOW”.

Another brother Shushil Kumar Dubey [formerly known as Suhail Khan] was too eager to speak to the messengers of change from Agniveer. He said “I have returned to my home. Home coming is always best. It cannot be described in words. At home there is your Mother and your well-wishers. Agniveer is our well-wisher”.

It was clear that people have got a glimpse of ‘light of truth’ now. They were determined to shun darkness and ignorance at any cost. Rays of sun and holy fire [AGNI] had given them much needed inner power and strength. This was because of joy of their heart.

After the SHUDDHI YAJNA these blessed people shared their pains and sufferings with Agniveers. Everyone had few common things to share. Their previous faith had told them that easiest way to go to Jannat / Heaven was to produce more and more children irrespective of the fact that:

a] Females were physically incapable to produce more children,

b] Parents were not able to afford even basic education of the newborn childrens;

c] Family were not financially sound to give decent life to the newborn babies.

Now, since they were out of ignorance they had realized that no one can get Jannat / heaven by producing unlimited children but heaven could be achieved only by rightful actions and noble deeds.

Messengers of Change were moved by their conditions and Agniveers announced academic scholarships and medical aid to all the children in purified families up to senior secondary schooling. Agniveers made these promises inspite of knowing their financial constraints and large expenses required for this project.

But that’s where Agniveers stand apart from the crowd.

Agniveers believe that these people had come to Vedic Dharma by Divine inspiration. Agniveers will find in its mission of selfless service righteous people of Vedic Dharma who will feel the pain of our brothers and sisters in need and open their hearts and houses for these brothers and sisters.

This was a real home coming; Coming back to Vedas, Coming back to our roots. Coming to a place where all are equal in eyes of Almighty without Bias, where everybody strives to be Noble, to enjoy eternal bliss, to attain ‘Moksha’. This home never says “believe blindly” but always stresses on “know first and only then believe”. This was a tight slap on face of dividing Trinity / Oil powers trying to divide Bharat / India in the name of man-made religions and faiths.

It is apparent that Messengers of Change aka Agniveers will do a solid work on this front which is deliberately neglected by our policy makers. When we asked the event coordinator of Agniveers about this event they replied with a smile “This is just a beginning and nothing more than trailer of the movie and tip of the Iceberg. Agniveer team is going to organize 786 such events within a year at various places across Bharat / India. Just wait and watch”.

Yeah, we shall watch and see the charisma of Agniveer. Hope is still breathing. Dream of Bharat is alive.

Vande Mataram. Lets Make the Whole World Noble. God is One.

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