What is behind the vandals of Osmania jungle land?

published on April 29, 2013

The problem with Hindu movements is that they never listen to their writers.

So when things happen they React without a clue and make the entrapment easier for their foes.

In the jungle lands of left indoctrinated learning centers, the icons hindus consider sacred were quite casually smashed and displayed- and the humiliation of a Hindu nation by a handful of political fanatics is received meekly thinking that is the wise thing to do.

The vandals smashed the idol of Goddess of learning-which must invite Indian Penal Code sections that deal with provocation of communal tension and by itself an act of communal violence.

To drive home the point they had made a bonfire of portraits of the stalwarts of Hindu nationalist movement besides Lokmanya Bal Ganghadar tilak- which again is a National insult like the insult to the Amar Jawan memorial at Mumbai by islamist arsonists.Burning of Tilak’s portrait is tantamount to insulting the national flag.

Note also that ABVP soft steps around the issue and blames media for failing to name the culprit as AISF the communist student movement and instead projects it as Dalit –hindutva ABVP clash, leave alone fact that it was an assault by vandals on hindu symbols in a deliberate act of provoking a Hindu right wing reaction.

They presume they had acted wisely and see this as an attempt to ‘divide’ the students along Dalit and non-dalits.

Since they don’t have the insight to the foe and his ideological motives- they are setting themselves for a no-win situation- for these assaults are only going to multiply and humanly impossible not to react as provocations pile up.

And when that happens they would have to explain all over again the adversary whom they had themselves described as ‘dalits’ -up against the Unity they so much care more than the self respect and sense of justice.

Ever since Liberation theologian Pope Francis replaced the Nazi pope-the church forces had started working on a grand Nagaland like program using Dalit Christian and Ultra Left wing movements-

since that is exactly what Liberation theology is all about. An armed Marxist Leninist insurrectionist movement wrapped in subtle Christian salvation in violent class struggle miming holocaust of Jesus.

Unlike overt christianity Liberation theological movements disguise as Struggles against an Unjust status quo that will end in a Liberational emancipation-so they decieve the observer wearing many masks- best example is LTTE, Liberation tigers and VCK -liberation chetas their revivalists.

Eco-leftism is another example-the mobilisation of masses against the State using controversial division of society of nuclear safety-behind which is served the Imperial puppeteer’s interests rather than the national interests.

We had posted and issued an alert that Liberation theology had laid siege to tamilnadu-but it is a broad south Indian siege.

After listing the above two liberation theology proxies of LTTE and Koodangulam- the Liberation theology would proceed to a Caste conflagration and deploy that aftermath as Oppression of dalits at South india.

This analysis had come true already- recent clash between Vanniar PMMK and the Liberation cheetas at tamilnadu. Then appeared a Poster at osmania University calling for an Armed Uprising for Telangana.

Now you witness the crude nauseating vandalism on the hindu godess of learning and the inclusion of hindutva icons so the Provocation results in Retaliation- presented to the masters abroad and equally clueless world as Atrocities against dalits.

Put together seemingly disparate Liberation theology proxies will converge and turn South India into a North East insurrection zone.

What the hindu nationalists are facing is a challenge to national security and intelligence agencies and security forces must act sternly- and failing of that it will only escalate till Liberation theologians abroad present the Dalit persecution, atrocities and genocide to tarnish India and put her on the dock for all their malevolence.

The Hindu nationalists must acquire by meticulous research and diligent documentation exposing this predictable and quite transparent attempt of the global Liberation theological movement which is now no longer an anathema at Vatican but officially the ideology shared by the Liberation theology Pope.

If the liberation theological forces attempt crudely to corner by ever provocative assaults on hindu icons then a fitting retaliatory iconoclasm is quite justified -when that is obtained by repetitive assaults by their proxies.

If the maniacs at Osmania jungle university have ultra leftists who come in hand for liberation theological games in plenty, then there are many such places where the saffron student movements can practice similar iconoclasm on Christian icons that they deem as reminders of imperial subjugation.

After all when Law of the land fails to punish a gross insult to its National leaders like Tilak leave alone the partisan leaders, then it is a jungle land and vandals’ universities, and they come in all colors including saffron since you wished to see that in your catholic campuses?

Instead of a squeamish response and misidentification of this Liberation theology’s thugees as ‘dalit or ultraleftist students’ –such a reciprocal iconoclastic response will go a long way persuading Liberation theologians to reconsider their diabolical metaphysics of ultra leftist politics.

However, if the Hindu nationalists decide to swallow the insult and the challenge by these Imperial agent provocateurs- the assaults will only increase and walk them up the garden path as villains and oppressors of dalits and no way avoiding that.

Since the choice to strike you till you either cave in and vacate the space or stand to face it up has already been made – and is not yours.

Liberation theology has landed its troopers and begun their war

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