What is the Life-Transforming power?

via Dr Babu Suseelan published on June 10, 2011

What is the Life-Transforming power? Shakthi, determination, assertiveness, and personal responsibility in truth, reality and action. Gandhi miserably failed in all. Mao, Churchill and Lincoln showed power to grow with motivating spirit and succeeded. Indian congress leaders used sound bites (Ahimsa, Sathyagraha, Surrender, appeasement) and made our citizens zombies unable to think and act for the country. People who followed the puppet masters were mercilessly butchered. Our country was divided and foreigners are still enslaving us in so many different ways.

It is time for us to choose between surrender and active life with peace, prosperity and progress. The Christian west and Islamic gang have a vested interest in promoting converted people. Sun Yatsun, Chiang Kai-shek, Dung of Vietnam, Park of South Korea were converted Christians. Mao had the courage to know their ulterior aims and kicked them out. In India our so called leaders failed miserably. In fact, what has become of India (corruption, foreign domination, Jihadi terrorism, Missionary misdeeds, Phony secularism, criminal behavior of politicians), and Hindus, is a result of bad choices made by our inept politicians. We are now experiencing massive corruption, limitless looting and severe national pain because of wrong choices made by our ant national leaders. We may have to buffer ourselves from the misdeeds of our corrupt leaders who are stupid, timid and foolish. The media also compounds the issues blocking the truth. Our life is a matter of making right choices. It is time for us to kick out our despair, passivism, apathy, denial, indifference and illusion and start making right choices for the nation. It is not the label we receive from our enemies, but the firm goal directed choice and action we make that makes the difference.

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