West Bengal – Hindus stand up against Jihadi thugs

published on November 28, 2010

Bagnan – Hindus Challenge the Rapidly Growing Infulence of Jihadis

Hindu Samhati Media

Bagnan (West Bengal, India) is facing a growing threat from Islam. Over the past few years, there has been a rapid transformation in the frame of mind of Muslim youth there, thanks to political endorsements from ‘secularist’ parties. It is getting more and more evident that they are driven to seize control of the neighborhood and to do so, are willing to go to any extent. An assortment of instances can be cited to prove the same even in the most short and snappy manner.

For example, the incident of 1st September, which happened at the Children’s Club, close to Bagnan College. The secretary of the club is Shafiqul Islam, a Muslim fundamentalist and president of Youth Congress and has become a terror to the Hindu girls in the college. He has been involved with scores of incidents leading to riots and violence and thanks to this glorious (?) track record, Shafiqul has been able to terrorize the entire locality. One of his victims managed to notify workers of Hindu Samhati, engaged with preparion work for the “Janmashtami” festival at the local Saraswati Ashram.

The information was enough to invigorate Samhati workers and 40/50 of them proceeded towards the Children’s Club on a short notice. They, along with local Hindus tracked down Shafiqul’s accomplices and prevented them for rioting any further after chasing them out of that area.

This was not just a single isolated incident. A similar incident took place at Muralibar. On 29th September, two intoxicated Muslim youths were misbehaving with passerbys. When Hindus protested, they retreated. Shortly, thereafter, they came back riding motorcycles (together with swords and other weapons) under the leadership of Murshid Ali Khan, a Muslim activist. threatened the Hindus and warned them of riots. When they, along with Murshid threatened the local Hindus again, the Hindus resisted aggressively and forced them to flee.

All these led to the intervention of police and the crook was taken to the local police station. The Muslim youths, without wasting a single moment, sought support of Akkel Ali, local Member of the Legislative Assembly who consequently went to the police station and remained there till the release of the crook. No case could be registered by Bagnan PS against these crooks in spite of flaunting and attacking others with weapons and the sole reason behind the same is the religious identity of the attacker being a Muslim.

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