“We weep for you, we deeply sympathise . . . .” say the perps’ friends

published on July 14, 2011

Obama, Zardari, Gilani are undoubtedly the Fastest Guns in the East and West, and we wonder whether a New Team of Double Agents and Planners had been deployed by them to plan and execute this strike. Headley-Rana are safely Inside America, but perhaps enough Intelligence had been gathered and sufficient terrorists trained and planted by them to carry out Serial Bombings on selected divases.

What is remarkable is that none of the usual gaggle of Columnit Pundits and Punditas has commented about the abysmal lack of Intelligence on terrorists, their associates, their planners, their funding, their timings or their targets. They are missing, along with India’s eminent Poll Cheat Home Minister, from the Front Pages.
Anyway, what is new that they can say? Pussy-footing and Political Correctness is the order of the day, whether it be about Serial Bombings, Serial Rail Accidents, or Mega Serial Scams. No names no pack-drill.

That is the Incredible India Phenomenon – everybody knows the perps, no one dares to name them.

The one or two who do get caught and condemned after years of undue process are treated to tandoori chicken and khushboo for the rest of their lives, with daughters of Indian Nawabs and Italian au pairs, sisters of Dawood Miah to visit them daily and keep them from getting bored.
If they are not appointed to the NAC, the Planning Commission or the Rajya Sabha that is.

None of our Top Cops, Intelligence Chiefs and other Mandarins has ever asked how is it that a handful of cutwas can come over by boats from Pakistan, and it took only two of them to hold up a 5-Star Super De Luxe hotel with its hundreds of rooms, multiple entrances, exits, security and other staff. No one says that they must have had help from the hundred odd cutwa guests of Indian and other nationalities, and the majority cutwa staff of the hotel itself. Guests and staff walked away scot-free, and are still there, always available for any number of encores and curtain-calls.

So let all these Motormouth also ask – why there are no serial bombings in Mosques, Mudrasas, Churches, Basilicas and other Dens of Iniquity maintained by the Hindu Tax Payer?

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