We need a culture war

via Dr. Babu Suseelan published on July 23, 2010

There is an ancient Chinese proverb that states ” I curse you to live in an important age.” W.B. Yeats in his often repeated poem, “The Second Coming” wrote “The ceremony of innocence is drowned, the best lack conviction, while the worst are full of passionate intensity.” Since the Italian Catholic Sonia became the Chief of the Congress Party, one would be hard pressed to argue that analysis.
Many luminaries have clearly articulated the real problem India is facing. There is something monumental happening in India today. The cacophony of sound bites, persistent, pervasive and irrevocable feeling of uncertainty and despair that seems to be enveloping India.  Corruption, Jihadi terrorism, Islamic appeasement, coercive religious conversion, Missionary inspired Maoist violence, ISI sponsored subversive social tension, and political-bureau pathology is enveloping the nation. At a mundane level, practical solutions to problems created by mediocre politicians continue to go wanting and social-political problems still appear to have no end and continue to plague India. In this context, india seems to be directionally lacking purpose and meaning.
How come India once the greatest nation of the world–yet there is this feeling of doom? How come, while the Italian lady leads the looting, the majority jog along nicely ignoring the dark cloud spreading around the country. The young are angry and alienation and frustration appear to be the psychological disease of the day. Our youngsters are indoctrinated to believe that freedom means doing disgusting behavior and doing their own thing. They are not given  proper sense of values. Their responsibilities and obligations to their fellow Indians simply are not being taught to them. A civilization rises on the strength of its values and our youths are taught meaningless, absurd values. Clearly something is wrong in India.

There is an answer – ‘A cultural revolution’ .

However, while simple, it is not easy. it involves reversing the very process that got us where we are. We must decide where we are going to focus. This is not someone else’s choice, it is ours, yours and mine. For in the end, it will be this choice that dictates our destiny, individually and as a nation. We need to focus on the culture war. If not now, when?

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