“We have to Make Kashmir (Pakistan), Albeit without Hindus, But along with their womenfolk”

published on October 6, 2009


Dear Sir,

Reference the obfuscations of Firdous Syed in his  ” The best time for dialogue is now ” – (TNIE-05 OCT).

First things first. What is the meaning of a ‘moderate separatist’ pleae? Its a misnomer in my opinion. The twain can never co-exist!! And, worse, to call the ‘Mirwaiz’ as a ‘moderate’ is what ‘NYTHS’ are all about. Period.

All this talk of ‘dialogue’, ‘azadi ‘ etc have been trashed by journalist V.Shankar Aiyar, who wrote an Article in the magazine ‘ India Today ‘ of 14 Oct 2002, entitled: ” The Great
Sop Story “, where he bluntly states:

” For all the talk of autonomy or Azadi, the fact is J&K cannot sustain itself without the Centre’s support”.

In this Article, Aiyar pointed out that J&K had, among all the States of India, the lowest proportion of population living below the poverty line – 3.48% – compared to 26.10% across India at that point in time, and it was almost on account of the munificent financial assistance from the Central Govt. Aiyar, then proceeded to produce the following stunning facts:

The State’s salary bill for 2001-02 was Rs. 2829 crore, while the State’s revenue was barely Rs. 1095 crore. Thus the State culd not have paid even the wages of its employees without the Centre’s ‘HELP’.

– In 2001-02, the State spent Rs. 7516.6 crore, of which Rs. 4577 crore or 60 paise for every Rupee spent, came from a ‘GENEROUS’ Centre.

– Since the beginning of the militancy in 1990, the State has managed to get the lion’s share of Central resources – over Rs. 35,571.3 crore in GRANTS and ASSISTANCE. In 2001-02,
for instance, the State got Rs. 4577 crore from the Centre or over 10% of the assistance to all the other States. It has got more than the other States since 1995.

– While other States get Central assistance in the ration of 70% LOAN to 30% GRANT, in the case of J&K IT IS 90% GRANT and ONLY 10% AS LOAN.

– A Kashmiri gets EIGHT TIMES MORE MONEY from the Centre than citizens from other States. While per capita Central assistance to the other States moved from Rs.576.24 in 1992-93 to Rs.1137 in 2001-02, that of the Kashmiri spiralled from Rs.3197 to Rs. 8092. To get a perspective, if this cash, managed by the State Govt., were to be dispatched by money order, each Kashmiri family (with 5 members on an average) would get Rs. 40,460 EVERY YEAR.

– Even the security related expenditure of the State is now borne by the Centre.

– The Centre has been funding the ENTIRE PALN EXPENDITURE OF THE STATE or Rs. 11,400 crore
in five years.

– And, for all the above BOUNTY from Delhi, what did the State of J&K give back to the Indian Nation? Less than 1% to the country’s GDP in 2000-01.

Thus Aiyar dubbed J&K as ” THE MOST PAMPERED STATE IN INDIA “.

Thus ‘dialogue’ with ‘thankless’ people???

Does Firdous Syed deny, that loudspeakers from mosques in the Valley blared in 1990:

“Aseh chhuh banawun Pakistan
Batav ros hatehnew san”


Strategic analyst’s have already commented on the ‘commando’s’ 4 step strategy viz:

– Get India to agree to ‘soft’ or better still, ‘open’ borders between the two halves of Kashmir.

– Once India gets committed irreversibly to these ‘open borders’, foment an Intifada type movement demanding ‘autonomy’

– And than let ‘Islam’ take over. It will complete the job.

– As this process works its way, keep ‘talking peace’, making sure that the onus of producing ever new formulae remains on India.

Firdous Syed’s Article, unfortunately reminded me of a statement attributed to Prof.(Dr) K.D. Prithi Pal, Professor Emeritus, Professor of Comparitive Religion, University of Alberta, Canada: ” Muslims WILL live only as an oppressive majority and a turbulent minority “.

I rest my case Sir


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