We don’t need any certificate from Jihadi terrorists – Kashmiri Pundits

via Press Release published on April 25, 2010

The political Affairs Committee of PANUN KASHMIR met today at Jammu and took stock of the current political situation. The committee met under the chairmanship of Prof. M.L.Raina, Chairman of the PAC and discussed the statements issued over the last two weeks by a number of secessionist and terrorist leaders of Kashmir .  The members who attended the meeting included S/Shri Ashwani Kumar Chrungoo, President, Virender Raina, National Spokesperson,  J.L.Kaul, Vice President and Kamal Bagati, Organizing Secretary.

The meeting expressed surprise that some secessionist leaders have started raising the issue of the so-called resolution of Kashmir again and are now offering ‘talks’. Having waged an armed struggle for the last more than twenty years causing mayhem and destruction in the State of Jammu and Kashmir , the non-existent ideological basis of their so-called struggle is dead long ago. These merchants of terror need to be tackled by the governments concerned with an iron hand and they should not be allowed to have a free run anywhere in the world. The government must take a serious notice of the recent OIC invitation to the secessionist leader Omar Farooq in this connection. These leaders have in the past misused the liberties allowed to them and exploited these forms to air  anti-India views openly and brazenly.
The meeting rejected outrightly the recent statement of the terrorist leader Syed Salahudin regarding exodus and resettlement of Kashmiri Pandit community in Kashmir . The Kashmiri Pandit displaced community does not need any certificate or prescription regarding their genocide and exodus from the perpetrators of the ethnic cleansing. For Kashmiri Pandits, Kashmir belongs to them and they belong to Kashmir . They have an inalienable right on the territory of Kashmir since they are the indigenous people of Kashmir, having a written history of their living in Kashmir for the last more five thousand years. The demand of Homeland in Kashmir represents the wishes and aspirations of the displaced Kashmiri Pandit community and PANUN KASHMIR stands committed to the establishment of Homeland for seven lakh Kashmiri Hindus in Kashmir .

The accession of Jammu and Kashmir with the rest of India is full and final and cannot be reconsidered under the threat of terrorist violence. The nationalist forces of Jammu and Kashmir have given tremendous sacrifices to uphold the integrity and sovereignty of India in this northern frontier state. India lives in our hearts and soul and its interests cannot be allowed to be bargained. The only issue which needs to be discussed with Pakistan is its illegal and forcible occupation of a part of the Indian territory in Jammu and Kashmir for which the Parliament of India has unanimously passed a resolution in 1994.

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