“We are responsible for what we are” – Kamal Kumar Swami’s Message

via GHHF published on September 4, 2010

Sri Kamal Kumar Swami’s Message on TV9; Press Meet at Sri Kanaka Durga Temple in Vijayawada and Sri Rama Temple in Bhadrachalam, Khammam District.

We are responsible for what we are, and whatever we wish ourselves to be, we have the power to make ourselves. If what we are now has been the result of our own past actions, it certainly follows that whatever we wish to be in future can be produced by our present actions; so we have to know how to act.”

Swami Vivekananda

            Hindus are responsible bringing needed changes in the management of Hindu Temples. It is due to Hindu inaction, indifference, neglect and silence the Hindu Temples have been taken over by the government. We have seen over the years that government failed miserably in maintaining the Hindu Temples, in providing facilities to the pilgrims, in protecting the Temple lands, in arresting the widespread corruption, in appointing the spiritual and religious Hindus to the Boards and positions at various levels in Temples, in keeping up with the inventory of jewelry in all the Temples, in taking proper action against the people charged with corruption, and in providing proper accounting of all the assets and resources. Our own making created this situation. If Hindus created it, the Hindus can change the situation to their liking. Recent events have awakened the politicians, media, spiritual leaders, artists, and devotees across the globe. If all Hindus act in unison and wish to bring changes, they certainly can. With their will, determination, activism, resolve and persistence they can bring needed changes to get their freedom and liberty back. Hindus have to bring changes in the circumstance that they have created over the years. Hindu cannot sit back and blame the government for its failure to meet the needs of Hindus and their Temples. Hindu can make the impossible possible with their persistence and determination. Can you imagine the government taking over churches and mosques? They will exercise their fundamental, inalienable right to manage their affairs and use any and all methods to oppose any measures government may take to control their religious institutions. Why cannot Hindus exercise their rights?

            Hindu Devalaya Parirakshana Samithi (HDPS) and Global Hindu Heritage Foundation (GHHF) are engaged in addressing the plight of Hindu Temples caused by the successive governments over a period of several years. They have caused enormous damage to the psyche of Hindu mind. Their policy divide and rule as well as excessive incentives to select prominent Hindu people silenced their voice, lulled their thinking, blunted their desire to speak out and stopped their involvement in the Temple matters. GHHF and HDPS are committed to continue the fight to bring needed changes in the management of Hindu Temples and to repeal the Endowment Act.

            In the last one week he visited 5 cities and appeared on TV9 Debate and held two press meets in two different cities. His speeches are loaded into YouTube. He has spoken in Telugu language. We summarized his views in English for all the interested Hindus:


       1) Sri Kamal Kumar Swami Speech on the status of Hindu Temples in AP at TV9 Roundtable Debate:

a)     Over the last ten years a number of Hindu organization are engaged in bringing changes in the Endowment Department in management of Hindu Temples.

b)    It is unfortunate that we are talking about corruption and other charges in the most sacred place for Hindus – Sri Venkateswara Temple in Turumala

c)     Over the last 4 years, state assembly discussed about the management issues will all the parties echoing a similar view

d)    We appreciated the positive actions taken by TTD such as Kalyanamastu, Dalit Govindam, and increase of Priest Salaries, etc

e)     Government appointing political people to the Board of Trusted of most sacred institution caused havoc

f)     GHHF organized a protest against the then Chief Minister Sri Y S Rajasekhara Reddy in Chicago in 2007

g)     HDPS conducted two maha pada yatras to awaken the Hindus about the plight of Hindu Temples.

h)    Sri Dharma Reddy, who is responsible for all the problems at TTD, is being protected by the government over the last six years

i)      Sri Dharma Reddy announced openly that the land beyond 27 kilometers of TTD can be used to construct churches – no action is taken for such anti-Hindu statements

j)      Appointment of Special Authority is the need of the hour; should clear all the corruption charges

k)    Why government is interested in the management of Hindu Temples? Did the government build the Temples?

l)      Government converted the most sacred Hindu Temples into political weapons

m)   Demanded the repeal of Endowment Act

n)    Give the Temples back to Hindus – look at ISKCON, Swaminarayan Temples and others; they manage their Temple very well

o)    We support TTD building apartments/houses for employees, helping their children for education, helping their children in getting married; but no lands should be allotted to them.

p)    Vigilance Report should be taken seriously and take appropriate actions against corruption practices

            Please watch Sri Kamalkumar Swami on Video addressing at TV9 Debate:


2) Sri Kanaka Durga Temple.

            Sri Kamala Kumar Swami speaking at the Meet about the sliding of rocks from the Sri Kanaka Durga Temple Hill. Earlier on August 26, a landslide had disrupted traffic on the ghat road leading to the Sri Kanakadurga temple on Indrakeeladri, for a few days. The following observations and recommendations are made:

             a) Landslides caused roads to be closed; became dangerous for the visiting pilgrims

            b) Need to examine the texture and strength of the hill and take necessary steps to prevent further erosion and landslides

            c) Expert committee should be appointed to study the Temple integrity and make recommendations to prevent             landslides

            d) We should be reminded of the neglect of the Endowment Department that caused Sri  Kalahasti Rajagopuram to collapse; should not repeat the similar mistakes

            e) Over the years, Endowment Department spent 600 crores for the construction of various project; most of the money was misused;

            f) Government built living cottages at Lord Hanuman Temple in Anantapur District about ten years ago. At present the cottage is in dilapidated condition; government is planning to built new cottages in it’s place; what a waste of money.

Please watch the Video:


3) Video showing the sliding of a significant portion of Sri Kanaka Durga Temple Mountain in Vijayawada; barricades are installed.



4) Bhadrachalam, Kammam District Press Meet

            Sri Kamalkumar Swami met with news media and made the following recommendations:

            a) Temple money is not being used properly – for poor Hindus, schools, students, Veda Pathasalas, Gosala etc

            b) Temple money used only for Employee salaries

            c) Abolish Endowment Department; we do not need it

            d) No body should interfere with our Hindu religion and Temples; should leave them


            e) Do not convert sacred institutions into political outfits

            f) Publish the list of all the Temples earning less than 50,000 rupees;

            g) Give all the Temples to interested Peethams, Muttas, Ashrams – such as Kanchi Peetham, Saraswati Peetham; Pushpagiri Peetham, Sarada Peetham; Kurtaalam Peetham, etc.


            h) Local Hindu should be allowed to manage their Temples and allow them to affiliate with Peethams of their choice.

            i) Leave us alone – you have divided us enough, created climate for conversion, abused resources enough, and destroyed us enough.

                Please watch 12 minutes of speech by Sri Kamalkumar Swami:



We need your assistance to continue our mission of abolishing Endowment Act and free Temples from the government control. If we have to make an impact on our movement to bring changes to preserve our culture, we need you financial support. Your generous donations to continue our efforts to free Hindu Temples from government control, awaken the Hindus about the plight of Hindu Temples and the impending danger of illegal conversion techniques are essential. We are requesting all the individuals and organizations to support financially to continue our movement to free Hindu Temples from the government control and stop these conversions.

NOTE: GHHF is exempt from federal income tax under section 501 ( c ) 3 of the Internal Revenue code.  

                    Our tax ID # 41-2258630

                   Please send your tax-deductible donations to:

                          Global Hindu Heritage Foundation,

                  14726 Harmony Lane, Frisco, Texas 75035

               You can go to savetemples.org and pay by PAYPAL

 For more information                      


Please visit our website: http://savetemples.org

 V. V. Prakasa Rao, PhD, 601-918-7111 (cell), 601-856-4783 (home); Prasad Yalamanchi (630-832-2665; 630-359-5041), D. Satya 732-939-2060: Vinay 248-842-6964: Srinivas  Murthy  212-538-8716: Dr. K. R. Venkatramaiah (Canada) 416-925-8167. Nemana Satya 732-762-7104, Sekhar Reddy 954-895-1947, Tulasichand Tummala  408-786-8357,  Raju Polavaram 919-959-6141; Pavan Neti 630-338-9364

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