We are not here to make pseudoseculars happy.

published on October 19, 2011

Dr. Babu Suseelan

Hindus have developed the best formal Logic in the world. Our Nyaayavidya and Tharkasastra are unmatched in the world. For deductive or inductive reasoning our logical system and theory of knowledge is correct, critical, and comprehensive. Then Macaulay Educational system was introduced to demolish our traditional education system. The Congress government still continues this Macaulay educational system to create, sustain and produce Hindus to act like zombies unable to think creatively and imaginatively.
As a result, bogus secular Hindus, criminal politicians, alienated intellectuals, disgruntled bureaucrats, and phony secularists and the westernized media use perverted logic and meaningless arguments for mental misdirection. In the normal sense, threats, injustice and terrorism can even turn anybody into a traditional conservative. In spite of the best logical system, philosophy and life sciences and metaphysics, many Hindus are powered by fear. and act irrationally.
For those Hindus who are seemingly labored in phony secularism and uninterested in our daily life and traditions and society are malignant narcissists. They are looking for blame game, escapism, and engage in repulsive and bizarre logic and use perverted logic for shock treatment.
I am reminded of a story of a Shopping Bag Lady in New York central park. The shopping Bag Lady was busy tearing newspapers and throwing all over the park.. She has her own logical reasons for her own actions. I asked her why are you doing this? She explained that she wanted to drove away all snakes from  the park. And I said that there are no snakes in the park. The Shopping Bag lady explained “see how effective my action is”. Her logic is not bad or stupid. It has very exclusive flavor of stupidity. It is a kind of stupidity that makes you pause and our  mind in numbing silence because we don’t  not know that someone could be that wrong or stupid.
It is the kind of logic our Hindu distracters frequently throw at us. It’s the kind of logic that can’t be argued with, not because it is right but because the insane troll is so demented, so last in their own insanity. Any attempt to correct such perverted, pseudo Hindus will be met with more gibberish.
Many phony secular Hindus who want to prove their malignant, narcissistic personality use perverted argument and insane troll logic to a true conclusion and right deduction from their false argument. Their deduction may be right for the wrong reasons. Several Hindus have used salad philosophy to justify Jihadi terrorism, coercive religious conversion, corruption  and discrimination. This is a way to disable those who write frequently on Hindu denial, cognitive disorder and how Jihad Terrorism, Converted Christians, Marxists and the bogus secular Congress party and their criminal practices. Their attack is aimed at morally stunning us. It is a low  kind of attack, lowest of the low. It is mayhem. Their attack is a perverted start to catch us off guard.
Those who criticize us using perverted logic completely misses really obvious facts. Any reasonable person will spot and understand the seriousness of Jihadi terrorism, coercive religious conversion, subversive activities of the Marxists and Maoists and the inept handling of corrupt politicians will become Hindu activists.  It is sad, despite all the information, these pseudo secular Hindus come to a conclusion so wrong. It is hard to be further from correct.
They say we are Communalists and our information make them unhappy. We are not here to make them happy. We are sharing information to make them  realistic and overcome their denial, apathy and indifference. They are in deep psychologically distressed water. By writing, informing we are acting as an anchor. These so called Hindus are drifting with irrational fear and their words are from unhealthy minds.
We cannot help those pseudo secular Hindus who deliberately falling to a Cognitive Bermuda Triangle. By blaming us, they are trying to be brave. They are not brave. They are often disastrous. It is hoped, one day these perverted logicians will recognize their self-delusion, reality distortion, and distorted cognition.

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