We are losing the country we grew up in

published on December 17, 2010

Dr. Babu Suseelan

Recently I have travelled all over India for three months.  I hear from teachers, doctors, traders, salesmen, homemakers, parents, professors and farmers “We are losing the Country we grew Up in”. What did they mean by it? India has gone through cultural, demographic, economic, and social change beyond any imagination. Our democracy is failing. Media is replete with stories of corruption, crime, terrorism, violence, home invasion, political ineptitude, bureau pathology and counterfeit money transaction.
Since Italian born catholic Sonia Maino  assumed the leadership of the Congress party, and her crony Manmohan Singh took his oath of office as the Prime Minister, India has gone through a demographic change in so short time. Uncontrolled  migration of Muslims from Bangladesh and Pakistan threaten to deconstruct several border states. Assam, Manipur, Tripura, West Bengal, and Bihar is flooded with illegal migrant Muslims from Bangladesh. Recently the Chief Minister of UP, Mayavathi has announced separate, privileged housing plots for Bangladeshi illegal Muslims. She intend to change the population structure in Ayodhya. Millions of Hindus in several states begun to feel strangers in their own land.
In Kerala, God’s Own Country, the population of Hindus declined by 1.48 percentage points since the last censes in 1991. Currently Kerala has a Hindu population of 56.2%, Muslims 24.7%, Christians 19.00% and others 0.1%. Although Kerala accounts for only 1 percent of the total land area of India, it contains about 3 percent of the country’s population. While the population of Hindus declined by 1.48 points, the population of Muslims increased by 1.70 percentage points in Kerala since the last censes in 1991. If the present demographic trends and conversion of Hindus continue, by next censes, Hindus will become a minority in Kerala.
Since independence, many Hindus have seen their culture dethroned, heroes defiled, tradition polluted and their values assaulted from several states by atheist and pro Muslim governments. In Kerala, West Bengal, Tamil Nadu, UP, Andgra Pardesh and Kashmir Hindus are insulted, temples are vandalized, cukrure riddiculed with impunity. They are very eager to defame Hindu organizations and demonize Hindu leaders as extremists. At the centre, Islamic bigots and anti nationals rule the nation.
Elected officials are interested in looting public treasury in immoral and shameful ways. Ministers collude with money mafia to loot public funds. Millions of public fund is looted out of the country. Corrupt politicians, anti national elements and criminals have made an unholy alliance to turn the country upside down. Citizens lament over the pitiful conditions in grief and sorrow over our psychotic politicians.. More crisis is at hand. India is in the grip of a culture of death.
Optimistic Hindus in India believe that India can still regain its cultural past. Several politicians and spiritual leaders I talked to are upbeat about the prospects of spiritual, cultural  supremacy of India. They claim that Santhana Dharma is eternal and can survive with out political efforts.  In fact, they beat around the bush.
Hindu organizations need to rejuvenate grassroots on democratic participation and enliven public action. Every Hindu can truly make a difference. Most of Hindus don’t believe that they can play a part in the decisions made by our government. Worst of all, many don’t believe they could play such a role. The feeling of impotence has led to years of public apathy which has turned more recently  into anger.
Now, India faces a crisis of democracy which will not be solved until ordinary Hindus come off the sidelines and assume their role as citizen leaders.
Ordinary Hindus must take extraordinary action. Hindu teachers, traders, farmers, doctors, homemakers and others who have realized that the country is taken over by corrupt elements, can and must play an active role in creating a democracy as if Hindus matters.
There are several spiritual organizations and Ashrams committed to healing common human problems. Their inspiring action is praiseworthy. In spite of cultural drift, corruption and national-social problem of magnitude, their focus is not directing people on democratic participation. But they could use their grass roots to address any issues–the environment, education, coercive religious conversion, encroachment of temples by Marxists and atheist government and more on reclaiming Hindus Temples.
Hindu organizations must use a mix of group empowerment and support which includes house calls and an emphasis on political participation and voting. They should play a leading role in campaigns against illegal Islamic invasion from Pakistan and Bangladesh, corruption and criminal activity by elected officials. Our Hindu leaders and Swmijis must turn away from cynicism and discouragement and face what is possible for our future and for the nation and for our democracy. We need effective national leadership and structure with effective grassroots education and mobilization. The majority Hindus have to wake up and operate on a political will to end corruption and cultural drift. We cannot hope to put our country and democracy in an automatic pilot and end up in a trap. Our disdain for objective truth and passivism has created a moral and intellectual crisis that threatens the foundation of India’s spiritual, cultural, and social order. It is time for Hindus to retake the country.

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