Wake up India !

via Dr Babu Suseelan published on June 12, 2011

Wake up India! A corrupt, despotic, anti Indian criminals are misdirecting, mismanaging and misguiding our citizens. An uneducated Italian Catholic lady is determining the destiny of billions of Hindus. Most Hindus sense a danger-a loss of control, and erosion of moral-ethical-Dharma values, a social drift. Power is concentrated in the hands of few anti Hindu criminals and Sonia cronies. We need a systematic and assertive plan to get rid of these miscreants, vagabonds, criminals and corrupt politicians who act without guilt, remorse or fear. They cannot be changed through unconditional positive regard, non judgmental attitude or passive fasting. We need to corner them contain them and a force continuum shall be applied to remove them from power. In this eternal struggle, good is still on one end of the spectrum and evil on the other. The Sonia gang is giving a false sense of becoming nationalist leaders through their illogical reasoning. It is time for the majority to kick out these anti national criminal politicians. In a democracy citizens should get rid of their apathy, indifference, denial, and gloom.

Why repeats the battle cry the for removal of the corrupt congress party and its Italian born Catholic Sonia? We need to hit the veil of secrecy of the corrupt congress party and its Italian catholic leader acting as an agent of the Vatican. Psychologically programmed people should be told and retold to become motivated and invigorated to avoid armageddon. When the mafia groups took control of India and looting our wealth, the facts should be repeatedly told to educate, inform and empower the public. What should we do when the elitist group repeatedly brainwash our public, misdirect them engage in a deliberate continuous and constant psychological war through the media? We need to present real facts in a fiery, challenging, and persuasive manner to wake up our sleeping citizens who are subjected to oppression for hundreds of years. We need to expose the corrupt Sonia gang and money lords who pull the strings. It is time to sounds the call to choose: allow the conspirators to continue or empower the public for strong action.

A conspiracy runs the Indian government. The decay in Indian politics goes beyond the ethically challenged Italian Fascist Sonia,.Corruption permeates the Judiciary, denfese forces, bureocracy and the police. That suggest a malignancy cannot be excised with pacifism. The far-reaching issue before us today is what we plan to do about the criminal gang ruining our culture and the country. It is time for all citizens to arm themselves with a plan to remain free of coercion, fear and indifference. Remove the social-political apathy that has created the fertile soil for the corrupt politicians to survive.

Wake up India. It is time to choose-corruption or empowerment. Action or inaction. Our Dharma or slow death.

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