Wake Up Hindus, Confront Reality and Act

via Dr.Babu Suseelan published on February 3, 2007

Hindus never lack any noble, idealistic, abstract theroies, functional concepts, propositions or models. Hinduism extols all noble, spiritual and positive virtues. Yet, we were attacked, invaded, our country was plundered, wealth looted, temples destroyed and our cultural institutions annihilated. More than 100 million Hindus were murdered by Islamic brutes.


Our country was divided, and we are still colonized by bogus secularists, phony politicians and corrupt bureaucrats. Hindu wealth is still looted and spend for nefarious purposes. We are constantly under attack like slaves in our own country. We are under siege. Our children are indoctrinated with anti Hindu values. Our profoundly religious, intellectually exciting and spiritually enriching Dharma that guided generations is presented by our media and pseudo secular politicians as disturbing.


why is that our eternal Dharma seem to have little meaning to our politicians and westernized media?  Is it because Hindus have no power? What went wrong? Where is the problem? What is the solution? Hindus of today are more anxiously concerned with saving our fictitious, so called illusion of peace, meaningless communal harmony and bizarre quackery of “all religions are the same”.


Our generation is literally obsessed with the illusion of peace with the dangerous dogmas of Islam, Christianity,  Communism and phony secularism. We are in deep denial and suffer from a virulent form of cognitive disorder, unable to see the deadly forces, unable to get of the denial hole. Decades of Muslim oppression,Christian colonialism and  secularism have left their dangerous mark on Hindus. They have blinded our spiritual sensitivity and obscured our vision of the basic facts of Hindu life.


We have to move to a strong position where we have to begin painfully to regain the capacity to see things as they really are. This is not easy, for the things we are bound to see once we open our eyes are not things we want to see. They are not things calculated to grant us peace of mind on easy terms. Yet there is no other way. No short cut will do. We, Hindus must try to get to the bottom of the preset situation where Hindus are marginalized, temple wealth is looted, our life is threatened. Hindus must find a way out of the maze of confusion, frustration, illusion and passivism.


What shall  Hindus do to escape from the present malice, existing predicament and maze of problems created by the nexus of Christians, Muslims, Communists, corrupt politicians, phony intellectuals and the mindless media? What is it that we want to be saved from? The freedom we crave from is freedom from oppression, naked discrimination, wanton aggression, open destruction of our temples, values and sacred traditions.


The salvation we crave is a security able to withstand political oppression of Hindus, mistreatment of the media, destruction of our temples, coercive religious conversion and Islamic terrorism. The comfortable illusions of tolerance, passivism, denial and false hope will not save us. We can no longer pretend that mere abstract Vedic concepts, chanting of Mantras and having festivals is going to solve all our problems. Islamic evil, deceptive Christian conversion techniques, Marxist violence, secular propaganda and media misdirection are not going to yield to our noble preaching. Hindus cannot live any longer on restless frustration, painful oppression, forever trembling at the brink of chaos and aggression.


To survive and regain our status, Hindus need to develop action strategies from our sacred abstract and functional concepts. Hindus need to understand that abstract concepts alone are bound to prove futile. Sooner or later, somehow, at some point, we should free ourselves from the dreadful frustration of isolated, passive existence and use positive violence and massive show of strength to over throw the evil oppressors. Until we are ready to abandon all our evasions and denial and confront our enemies with strength, there is no salvation for us.


The new strong Hindutva will emerge once we abandon our illusion and self-enclosed egocentricity. It will brings a new power for life and a new Hindu society.

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