Vote with a Mission: Vote for BJP for a positive future

via Dr Babu Suseelan published on April 12, 2009

Indian citizens are facing another election. The election will decide the fate of India for several years. After decades of Islamic terrorism, special privileges for Muslims and Christians, coercive religious conversion, Muslim infiltration, separatism, unrestrained government inefficiency, corruption and Congress misrule, poverty and flight of capital, and missionary inspired Maoist violence, citizens are facing a choice. The Congress party headed by an Italian Catholic and several separatist regional parties with no national agenda or vision are contesting the election. Several regional parties and anarchist groups like BSP, BJD, TDP, DMK, MDMK, PMK, PDP, NDP, NDF and NCP are also in the fray. They are like clowns in a circus. They are insulting Hindus as a way to promote themselves and to appease Muslim and Christian vote bank.     

The Congress party and the Marxist party were partners for misrule for several years at the center. Now they continue their angry hand-wringing and mutual accusations about who was to blame for the misrule, the economic mess and the national calamity. They shared power at the center while India was facing increased Jehadi terrorism, coercive religious conversion and infiltration of Bangladeshi Muslims. Under the Congress-Marxist misrule, citizens have suffered unemployment, corruption, inefficiency, poor health care; bad housing, severe malnutrition, poverty, crime, violence, and Pakistan inspired and directed terrorism.  The economic conditions have worsened, suicides of farmers have increased and crime has multiplied under the anti national Congress misrule.  

They are all hurling anti Hindu slurs at the nationalist BJP who wants to correct the situation.  Every aberrant group is against Hindus in this cacophonous bazaar of politics. The regional parties and caste based groups are not promoting patriotism or nationalism in this election. BJP is the only nationalist party with a vision, mission and strategies to bring India to its glory. BJP has defined and formulated nationalism based on Integral Humanism.

Now is the time for all those who want to participate in shaping the positive future of India to join together. As we all know that Hinduism was responsible for keeping India together for thousands of years. Islamic invaders, Christian colonialists, anti national and pseudo secular Congress rulers have tried to introduce alien concepts, anti Indian life style, and alien political dogmas to divorce Indians from Hindu thoughts, culture and spiritual tradition. The collective identity asserted, practiced and preserved by Hindus from Kanyakumari to Kashmir in antiquity and in modern times is the foundation of Indian nationalism. Hindutva is our national identity. There is an axiomatic link in Hindutva, Indian nationalism and our cultural cohesion. This idea of Hindu nationalism deserves serious consideration in this election.

Hindus must wake up and make a pledge to vote out anti-national Congress party who were ruling us by fooling. The bogus secular Congress rulers have literally destroyed our country, our cohesive culture and sacred tradition. It is time for Hindus to have a clear, correct and comprehensive picture of the situation and assess the credentials of the political parties. It is the time for Hindus to vote with a mission to end the Congress misrule and its pseudo secular culture. Vote for BJP for a positive future.

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