Vijayadasami and Sivarathri are Christian Celebrations – ? Fabricated News

published on October 23, 2009

Following is one of the comment by one of our reader , in reponse to our report on ‘Sivaratri and Vijayadasami are Christian celeberations’ ( )

Joy abraham
comment for Vijayadasami and Sivarathri are Christian Celebrations , Imitated by Hindus!

I am a christian but a regular reader of Haindava Keralam. I approach all the articles with an open mind. I don’t know whether you would publish my comment but just want to let you know the above article re Vijayadasami is 101% fabricated as there is no St Baselius church at Kottayam under Kottayam Archdiocese nor Fr.Varghese Koomanthala. Picture would be genuine as many christians would do vidhyarambham for their kids by bishops. So just a humble request to HK, please ensure the validity of these kind of articles/news before you publish.

Also,I don’t think, no one christian who knows the culture of our country would say Hindus adapted this from them. We can see christians adapted a lot from her culture. A simple example is use of ‘thali’ for wedding. Nowhere in any christian countries this custom prevails. And all christians living abroad even in such western countries are immensely proud of our culture and customs.


HK was alerted about that news piece loaded in SCRIBD by our readers . As readers started pointing out the genuinity of the news, We tried to contact the sources to provide the name of Daily or publication from which the news come from. Unfortunately no one came back with a satisfying answer and in this case we may have to believe what Mr Joy Abraham had informed us, unless otherwise HK readers come forward to provide the authentic source.

HK apologises for the confusion created and would like to send a message to whom ever created that fabricated news – This is not what our Dharma teaches , We don’t need such falsified propagandas. HK will stand with the truth and we hope our readers will also appreciate the same.

We will remove that news piece very soon and will publish again, if any of the reader provides an authentic source for the same.

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