Vigilant public is the greatest guarantee for the national security-Sarsangachalak

published on April 3, 2007

P.P.Sarsangachalak Man.K.S. Sudharsanji’s Statement       31.3.2007


Is the present Central government sincere towards the security of our country or is only interested in somehow protecting the coalition government at the Centre? There are certain valid reasons for the above apprehension. Is not the ghastly massacre of 5 Hindus and wounding another four in midnight in the village Panglar of Rajouri district in Jammu and Kashmir state a direct fall out of the coalition partner People’s democratic Party’s demand to reduce Central security forces in that state? Perhaps the Prime Minister thinks that to protect the coalition government in the state there is no harm in quenching the thirst of the terrorists by offering the blood of the innocent Hindus.


On the other hand the undue haste with which the Central Minister for state for Shipping is bent upon executing the Setu Samudram canal Project riding roughshod over religious susceptibilities of the people, again fortifies the same doubt, whereas the Prime Minister appears to be a helpless spectator. The alternative chosen is not only the costliest. It is prone to expose the people of Tamilnadu, Kerala and Karnatak to the disaster of Tsunami in future. While deciding on the particular alternative no government agencies like NEERI at Nagpur which deals with environment or NIOT at Chennai which concerns itself with bathymetry, have been consulted.


However, the greatest cause for concern is that U.S.A. has refused to recognize the historic waters of gulf of Mannar, over which the Government of Bharat and Sri Lanka have exclusive right, and wants to dabble in it. This is highly dangerous for the safety and security of our coastline. The Naval Authorities have also not been consulted in this regard. There is one more sinister aspect in the U.S.A.’s move. The sand which collects on both sides of Ram Setu is rich in thorium which provides nuclear fuel to our atomic reactors. America doesn’t want that Bharat should be self-sufficient in nuclear fuel. It wants to make us dependent on uranium supplies from that country. If under these circumstances the undue haste being shown by the Minister of State for Shipping raises doubts in the public mind about high level corruption in the whole deal, it may not be wholly out of place.


The Akhil Bhartiya Pratinidhi Sabha in its annual meeting held in Lucknow has already drawn the attention of our countrymen towards all these aspects. We humbly appeal to the Prime Minister not to hasten in those areas which impinge upon the security of our country so that all the alternatives may be considered in a cool and calm atmosphere to arrive at a consensus.


An ever vigilant public is the greatest guarantee for the national security. Hence we appeal to the people in general to convey their concern to the Government so that it may not be able to imperil the security of our country by thwarting the enlightened public opinion.

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