Victory of Hindu Unity – Alternative alignment on Sethu project being considered

via Dr. S. Kalyanaraman published on July 30, 2008

Rama Setu: UOI appoints 6 member Pachauri committee to reexamine channel project - News report




Rameshwaram Rama Setu Raksha Manch has put forward the objective of the protection movement:


Save Rama Setu

Declare Rama Setu as national monument and world heritage

Declare Rameshwaram as divyakshetram as was done for Tirumala


The movement continues until these objectives are achieved.


Our leaders have resolved: We shall save Rama Setu at all costs. This is our resolve.

With the blessings of Sri Rama and Sri Hanuman and the tireless, honest and patriotic efforts of many bandhu, advocacy teams consisting of dedicated aatman like Dr. Subramanian Swamy, Bhupender Yadav, Yogishwaran, Anish Gupta, Bharat Kumar, Parvatha Rao, Soli Sorabjee, Parasaran, KK Venugopal, Krishnan Venugopal, Vaidyanathan, D Kuppuramu and thousands of bharatiya and experts like Dr. CSP Iyer, Dr. Madhav Nalapat, Dr. Gopalakrishnan, Dr. Ramesh Athavale, Dr. Badrinarayanan, late Dr. Subramanian, Shri GP Srinivasan, Smt. Jayashree Saranathan, Sadagopan, Tarun Vijay, Kanchan Gupta, and millions of bharatiyas who demonstrated the sangha s’akti the rashtram shall prevail.


We shall not allow the Rama Setu to be demolished the way Taliban destroyed Bamiyan Buddha calling the statue a mere stone. Veda Vyasa has said that it is Sri Rama’s command to protect Rama Setu (raamasyaajnaa), he said. This is our guide post.


I can’t name them all, as tears roll down my cheeks, they are in millions who have shown us the way and guided us, many want to remain unnamed, because they are people who have sacrificed their entire lives for the glory of the rashtram.

Words of s’ubha kaamanaayen are enough to respond to the call of the millions of bandhu. They are our treasure.They have made sure that their collective voice is heard.


Dharmo rakshati rakshitah.

The battle is still joined against the asuras. The final victory will be the celebration when the entire Bharata Varsha goes to Rama Setu to celebrate the world heritage, our privilege to be in the times of churning the ocean, samudra manthanam. This samudra manthanam has to become the moment of renaissance for Bharat mahaan. We shall get there, acknowledging again and again that we are only nimitta maatram.


In this quest of the aatman for the paramaatman, Sri Rama, the maryada purushottama, the avatara purusha will show us the way. It is our duty to pray, with the blessings of pujya swamiji’s like Dayananda ji, Pejawar ji, Sadhu-sant marga darshan mandali of the Manch, guidance of the people of 6.5 lakh villages of Hindusthana who have yearned for the protection of Rama Setu.


The battle has just been joined. We have miles to go to serve this punya bhumi and restore dharma in the polity. The disconnect between the polity and the samajam has to be rectified. Sangha will lead us. We have to ensure the empowerment of every village, every aatman in every village. We have miles to go. Hey, paramaatman, show us the way. We shall tread the path shown by our pitru-s, our ancestors whom we remember on ashadha amavasya day as we dip in the Rama Setu dhanushkodi waters.


The collective memory of our ancestors which we cherish is our strength, our beacon of hope, the guide for abhyudayam which is dharma according to Kapila muni’s vais’eshika sutra.

dharmo rakshati rakshitah.
Dharma protects those who protect dharma.

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