VHP Announces Nation-wide ‘Hindu Roti & Shiksha Bachaao’ Agitation

via VHP PRESS RELEASE published on December 23, 2011

VHP Announces Nation-wide ‘Hindu Roti & Shiksha Bachaao’ Agitation
Against Muslim Reservations
Demands Immediate Withdrawal of 4.5% Muslim quota within OBC’s 27%

New Delhi, December 23, 2011
Claiming that govt of India’s hurried move to give 4.5% quota to Muslims from the poor OBC (Other Backward Classes) 27% reservations is a blatant violation of Bharat’s Constitution & is aimed at destroying Majority’s democratic rights, Dr Pravin Togadia, International Working President of VHP announced a nation-wide peaceful & democratic Agitation with immediate effect. This agitation will be called ‘Hindu Roti & Shiksha Bachao Andolan’ (Save Hindu Roti & Education Agitation).

Today for electoral politics Govt has bent before Muslims who do not follow basic family planning norm. By giving 4.5% quota to Muslims within 27% reservations meant for poor OBCs, Govt has snatched educational seats, jobs, bank loans & other facilities which were meant entirely for the real deserving OBCs. It will not stop here. It will lead to giving quota to Muslims & Christians from extremely backward Scheduled Castes. Reservations meant for Scheduled Tribes are already being grabbed by Christians. For vote bank, this will go up to constitutional amendment to give separate reservations to Muslims because Bharat’s constitution does not permit religion-based reservations, snatching  open merit category Hindus jobs & education.

VHP demands immediate withdrawal of any quota given to Muslims & Christians from any existing reservations meant for OBCs, SCs, STs & NTs. VHP also warns govt not to snatch educational seats, jobs, bank loans etc either of these poor or of Hindus from open merit category. Some erstwhile castes of Muslims are already included & getting benefit from OBC list. These castes should immediately be removed from OBC list. Govt should immediately reject the biased & unfounded reports of Justice Rajendra Sachhar Committee & Rangnath Mishra Commission quoting which various post holders from the Union Govt.- Hon. PM, Law Minister etc as well as Muslim leaders claim that Muslims are poor & therefore they ‘deserve’ special facilities & reservations. VHP will NOT allow this or Christian reservation from SC quota.

VHP announces that the Hindu Roti & Education Bachao Andolan will continue until all Muslim & Christian reservations are immediately withdrawn & until the Govt apologizes to Bharat for such a blatant anti constitutional move hurting Hindus & democracy immensely.

VHP also warns that those who demand, support, propagate & give reservations to Muslims & Christians will have to face the democratic wrath of the majority Hindus in the upcoming elections. VHP demands a case of Treason on all people who demand, support, propagate & give religion – based reservations as this very act is unconstitutional.

Dr Togadia appeals to all Hindus to stand united as ONE irrespective of caste, region, language etc against such a dangerous move that can wipe out Hindus & democracy from Bharat. He also appeals all Hindus to support the ‘Hindu Roti & Shiksha Bachao Agitation’ nationally & internationally.

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