Varun Gandhi: Victim of smear campaigning and maligning propaganda

via Vedaprakash published on May 11, 2009

How the controversy “forced sterlisation” started?

Now, it is very clear that Varun Gandhi has been targeted by some forces to malign him with all sorts of propaganda by projecting him in negative way characteristically. The smear campaign has been launched by the media with shrill slander sounding through their tactful sound mix and video-clippings.


The Daily Telegraph,


carried the news with video as follows


Indian election: Varun Gandhi vows to follow in father’s footsteps

Varun Gandhi, the scion of India’s Congress Party dynasty who is standing for the rival Hindu nationalists in the general election, has vowed to revive controversial population control policies pioneered by his late father.

By Dean Nelson in Pilibhit, Uttar Pradesh

Last Updated: 6:20PM BST

09 May 2009


Sanjay Gandhi, who was the anointed successor of the former prime minister Indira Gandhi until his death in 1980, was blamed for a policy which forced thousands of Indian men and some women to be sterilised to meet government quotas. Some are believed to have died following the surgery.

Mr Gandhi said that while the methods used by the government at that time were “roughshod” and considered by many to be “too forceful”, he still believed


‘s population “explosion” required urgent action.

 He supports a softer approach of financial incentives to persuade Indians to have fewer children.

In an interview with The Daily Telegraph, Mr Gandhi, 29, who is standing for the Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP), said he hoped to follow in his father’s footsteps by one day offering the strong leadership which he said


had lacked for 20 years.

Seeking to shed his image as a spoiled playboy and adopt the mantle of a future prime minister, he said that politics was his destiny. “Anyone who says they have no ambition to achieve power at some stage is lying,” he said.

He would also propose a bill in parliament to introduce compulsory military service for all Indians to unite the country and overcome caste and religious differences. “Instead of people thinking of themselves as Tamils or Brahmins, they should think of themselves as Indians,” he said.

His ambition to wield power in Indian politics raises the prospect of the country’s two largest parties one day being led by rival scions of the Gandhi dynasty which has given


three prime ministers since independence. His cousin Rahul is widely tipped to succeed his mother Sonia as Congress leader.

Mr Gandhi galvanised the Indian election campaign, which culminates with a final round of voting next week, with a controversial speech in which he was reported to have threatened to “cut off the hands” of Muslims in his Pilhibhit constituency in Uttar Pradesh if they “raised a finger against Hindus”.

In March he was jailed for 20 days under


‘s National Security Act for threatening communal harmony. BJP support in the northern state has risen significantly since his speech, however.

Mr Gandhi denied on Friday that he had ever threatened Muslims, but had vowed to protect local people from “anti-social” elements after three local girls were gang-raped.

As he toured his constituency in a convoy accompanied by armed guards, he made a clear reference to his controversial stand when he told voters that he was “fighting for your self-respect”.

Mr Gandhi appears to have absorbed generations of political knowledge from his great-grandfather

Jarwarharlal Nehru



‘s first prime minister, his grand-mother Indira Gandhi and his late uncle Rajiv. His mother, Maneka Gandhi, has also served several terms as a cabinet minister.

But it is his father he hopes to follow.


The Indian counterpart or the paper with the name “The Telegraph” carried the same news


The Telegraph reporters plays mischief

: Thus, there was nothing to that he pressed for forceful “sterilization” and all. Evidently, the reporter Dean Nelson of “The Telegraph” through the caption makes such propaganda:


Indian election: Varun Gandhi vows to follow in father’s footsteps


Varun Gandhi, the scion of India’s Congress Party dynasty who is standing for the rival Hindu nationalists in the general election, has vowed to revive controversial population control policies pioneered by his late father.


The TV channels immediately picked up the propaganda and started blarring

: The Samay, Ajtak like Hindi TV-channels, first started the misinterpretation and mispropaganda against Varun Gandhi that he is going to impose compulsory family planning and forceful sterlisation. Without going into the details or facts, the BJP spokesmen immediately started “distancing” themselves from such things! It is ironical that the BJP persons should have reacted in that nervous manner.


Why the secular, progressive and modern creeds cry wolf?

The secular, progressive and modern creeds of


and other foreign media-mongers, propagandists and others should have been principled to their avowed ideology. But they play double game with perverted lies and media deceits without any shame. According to their modernized and westernized view and progressive ideology, they have been the people who go for free-sex, and connected sexy vices. Remember few months back, how they supported for pubs, free-sex, etc through the rights of drinking and dating. Now, they try to blow up “family control” without any sense.


“The Hindu” way of reporting

: As usual, “The Hindu” has been mischievous in reporting it as follows


New Delhi

: BJP candidate for Pilibhit Varun Gandhi on Saturday denied having favoured forced sterilisation in an interview to a British newspaper.

In a statement, Mr. Gandhi said he did not say anything about reviving any sterilisation programme or policy; in fact, he broadly favoured “a sensible family planning programme” through education, awareness and positive incentives.

The Daily Telegraph, which carried the interview, said in the introduction that Mr. Gandhi “vowed to revive the controversial population control policies pioneered by his late father [Sanjay Gandhi].” This generated interpretation that Mr. Gandhi might have been talking about forced sterilisation. However, the newspaper said “this is not true.”— PTI


Note in the last line, it states, “However, the newspaper said “this is not true.” Why then “The Hindu” carries such trash? The intention is to malign him only.

“Varun for revival of Sanjay Gandhi’s sterilisation policy”

: The Economic Times carries the same old story as others with this caption: “Barely hours after getting relief from the UP advisory board which rejected the NSA charges against him, BJP leader Varun Gandhi is already courting another controversy, this time by favouring the revival of his father Sanjay Gandhi’s much-condemned sterilisation policy.”.

 “Varun steps into and out of sterilization row”

This is how TOI reports and gets clarified: “Speaking to TOI, Gandhi said the policy could not be forced on people. In a democracy, coercion was simply not possible. “

People also say my father talked of things 30 years ahead of his times. We need to educate people and involve women, even rural women who have a lot of wisdom, even if they are not educated. In a democracy you cannot force it like they did in


,” he said


Why I-pill-walas do this type of propaganda?

As these species have been so progressive, they boldly talk about taking I-pills to avoid unnecessary pregnancy. Such assertion has been made by progressive teenage girl of secular


ion a TV-show boldly. The manufacturers have been manufacturing and selling the I-pills with their wonderful advertisement. Even the hypocrite Christians who oppose “abortion” join with these free-sex-right activists and carry on propaganda. Thus, these hypocrites must have the other hidden agenda bedsides canvassing for the sales of I-pills. Thus, they have determined to spoil the Indian society and degrade the Indian womanhood.


As i-pill has dangers so also this media-propaganda

: Cipla with all its pride of introducing i-pills in


, it warns as follows: “There are, however, a few drawbacks attached to i-pill as stated by Cipla itself. For example, the drug will not have any effect if the fertilized egg has already attached itself to the wall of the womb by the time i-pill is consumed. Unlike other contraceptive alternatives like condom, i-pill also does not offer protection from venereal diseases like AIDS. And lastly, i-pill will be of no use if pregnancy has already started.” The explicit warnings have been as follows:

The drug will not have any effect if the fertilized egg has already attached itself to the wall of the womb by the time i-pill is consumed.

Unlike other contraceptive alternatives like condom, i-pill also does not offer protection from venereal diseases like AIDS.

And lastly, i-pill will be of no use if pregnancy has already started

Perhaps, one has to be gynecologist to understand the nuances of these implications. However, the fact has been that it cannot prevent AIDS and the side effects may have been more.

In the same way, the media-meddlers and propagandists too play with Indians with all sorts of misinterpretations, falsities and lies.


Why the controversy “forced sterlisation” started?

As these lying papers say that “Varun is getting into one controversy over another”, it is evident that they want him to get into such controversies. It has been targeted to create fear among the Muslims, as they are supposed to oppose family planning, as they want to produce more and more population. Again, indirectly connected with their Shariat right of marrying and having “

four wives at a particular time

“. Thus, the media wants to fix him again so that he could not become sta

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