Varun Gandhi defends Hindus!

via Vedaprakash published on March 17, 2009

Are Hindus weak and leaderless?

First, one should honestly answer before, calling Varun an idiot or communal or infested with BJP ideology and so on.


the Hindus have been weak and leaderless? Does it mean that non-hindus,
the Muslims and Christians are strengthened against the weakened
Hindus? Hindus have been driven out, hunted out and thrashed out all
over the world, as we note from the selective reporting of the media:



Hindus have already been driven out of their houses in Kashmir and made to live on the streets as “refugees” in their own country!



Hindus have been sent out or rather, the suffering Hindus ran away from Bangladesh!



Hindus are being driven away from Pakistan. In fact, the 1947-Hindu population of Pakistan has reduced to single digit. It is not known what happened to those crores of Hindus!



From Afghanistan, now Hindus are driven out.



In Malaysia, they beaten and jailed when they ask for human rights etc.



From Sri Lanka, they flushed out daily.


Why all these things have been happening even after 1947? The Muslims got “Pakistan”
with smile, while Hindus shedding blood and flesh. The Gandhi who
declared that the Muslims could only walk over his dead body to get
their “Pakistan”, but he made millions of Hindus dead and made walk
over their own dead bodies.


spite of these facts, now millions of Hindus have been bombed,
tortured, killed, raped, harassed and what not by the national and
international forces, missionaries, politicians, ideologues,
propagandists and others,


Let the Secular politicians come out openly

Varun Gandhi son of Sanjay Gandhi and Menaka Gandhi, now a BJP MP
contesting from Pilibit has become defender of Hindus. In his election
campaigning, he has emotionally come out that he would cut off the hand
of anybody who touches Hindus with bad intention. This he says that
swearing on the Bhagawat Gita! What secular politicians would do for


The mischief of media

CNN-IBN has been very active in such propaganda. Their analysts never
asked whenever other secular or progressive politicians talked
defending Islam and Christianity. Tarun Vijay, the editor of Panjajanya
was responding to CNN-IBN that Hindus have been suffering a lot during
the period and the place particularly, where Varun was speaking, where
Hindus were at receiving end. He gave examples of Kashmir,
Akshardam temple attack etc., which have created a fear psychosis in
the minds of Hindus. Thus, he was pointing out that he made such speech
with emotion and no seriousness could be attributed to such rhetoric.


What exactly he spoke?

As usual, the CNN-IBN started repeatedly broadcasting his speech, of
course with editing. The honest reporters did not give the background
or context as to why he made such speech. This is what appearing in
their website[1]:


Varun Gandhi’s speech marks a new low in Indian politics


Published on Tue, Mar 17, 2009 at 02:54 in Politics section


is the worst kind of communal provocation and comes from the
29-year-old great grandson of Jawaharlal Nehru, Varun Gandhi. Varun,
who is fighting elections from his mother’s pocket borough of Pilibhit
in western UP, targets the Muslim community with hatred and venom. Hear
his chilling words spoken at a series of election rallies in Pilibhit.



The following has been the “New Indian Express” version:


This is not a hand (Congress symbol), it is the power of the lotus (BJP symbol). It will cut the head of… Jai Shri Ram,”
a PTI report quoted Varun Gandhi (29) as telling an election meeting in
Pilibhit, his attack directed at the Muslims. At another meeting, the
PTI report said, he said: “If anyone raises a finger towards
Hindus or if someone thinks that Hindus are weak and leaderless, if
someone thinks that these leaders lick our boots for votes, if anyone
raises a finger towards Hindus, then I swear on Gita that I will cut
that hand


What is the significance of this?

Why Varun talked like this: “If
anyone raises a finger towards Hindus or if someone thinks that Hindus
are weak and leaderless, if someone thinks that these leaders lick our
boots for votes, if anyone raises a finger towards Hindus, then I swear
on Gita that I will cut that hand



If anyone raises a finger towards Hindus or


 if someone thinks that Hindus are weak and leaderless,


 if someone thinks that these leaders lick our boots for votes,


 if anyone raises a finger towards Hindus,


then I swear on Gita that I will cut that hand




If anyone raises a finger towards Hindus or

fingers are raised against Hindus? That means already hands and other
things have been raised, but the media and others did not care, but now
when he talks about “finger-raising” suddenly, all have awakened from
their communal-casteist politics and propaganda! When Hindus were
thrown out of Kashmir, what were raised? When Hindus are flushed out even today from Afghanisthan, Pakistan, Malaysia, Sri Lanka what are raised by the Indian secular politicians?



 if someone thinks that Hindus are weak and leaderless,

politicians, particularly, those who have been swearing in the name of
“secularism” and conducting blatant communal, casteist, racist,
racialist, hatred poilitics creating vote bank-politics should respond
to him. Why such psyche has been created that Hindus are weak and
leadersless, Then who will declare themselves as “leaders of Hindus”?
Why Hindus do not have leaders? Does it mean, the communal party BJP
itself has been cheating Hindus, besides the secular, progressive, and
other categories?



 if someone thinks that these leaders lick our boots for votes,

the leaders should think like that? Recently, the constituencies have
been realigned, evidently based on religion and caste-wise. The
politicians have been fielding only Muslims and Christians in specific
constituencies or where Muslims and Christians are dominating. In
secular India, how it could have happened? How
the so-called Election Commission has been keeping quite or allowing
such communal and caste politics to thrive?



 if anyone raises a finger towards Hindus,

[It is not known why it is repeated twice or the Hinddi is not translated properly?].


fingers are raised against Hindus? That means already hands and other
things have been raised, but the media and others did not care, but now
when he talks about “finger-raising” suddenly, all have awakened from
their communal-casteist politics and propaganda! When Hindus were
thrown out of Kashmir, what were raised? When Hindus are flushed out even today from Afghanisthan, Pakistan, Malaysia, Sri Lanka what are raised by the Indian secular politicians?



then I swear on Gita that I will cut that hand


So when all these things are happening in India and all have been fool Hindus in India, only this young boy has come out openly!


The version of Indian Express

: The following[2] has been from “New Indian Express”.


Varun Gandhi’s hate-Muslim speech makes his BJP squirm

Express news service

Posted: Mar 17, 2009 at 0309 hrs IST


Lucknow/new delhi:

Varun Gandhi, son of Menaka Gandhi and BJP candidate from Pilibhit,
found himself at the receiving end of both his own party and the Congress
for alleged communal remarks which also prompted the Election
Commission to seek a report on his speeches from the Pilibhit district


is not a hand (Congress symbol), it is the power of the lotus (BJP
symbol). It will cut the head of… Jai Shri Ram,” a PTI report quoted
Varun Gandhi (29) as telling an election meeting in Pilibhit, his
attack directed at the Muslims. At another meeting, the PTI report
said, he said: “If anyone raises a finger towards Hindus or if someone
thinks that Hindus are weak and leaderless, if someone thinks that
these leaders lick our boots for votes, if anyone raises a finger
towards Hindus, then I swear on Gita that I will cut that hand.”


Congress, headed by Varun’s aunt Sonia Gandhi, was quick to condemn the
remarks as “unethical and against law”. “It is condemnable… He
(Varun) is associated with a party which has this (anti-minority)
ideology and culture,” Congress spokesman Abhishek Singhvi told
reporters in New Delhi.

leader Mukhtar Abbas Naqvi snubbed Varun, saying his speech is “a
manifestation of his family’s past Congress culture” and that his
outburst “did not reflect BJP’s traditional culture”.


Pilibhit district administration said it is waiting for Varun’s reply
to a notice on the speech before taking action “if necessary”. While
officials claim to have sent the notice to him three days ago, Varun’s
election coordinator Yogendra Singh Gangwar told The Indian Express
over phone from Pilibhit that they were yet to receive it. The only
notice received so far, Gangwar said, was about rallies for which they
had not got permission. “We have submitted the permission letters to
the district administration,” he said.


about the meeting in Banderkheda where the alleged remarks were made,
Gangwar said: “Varun Gandhi may have said a lot of things but TV
channels seem to be showing it in a distorted manner. We met the
District Magistrate but there was no mention of this incident.” Chief
Electoral Officer A K Bishnoi said he was waiting for the district
administration’s report.



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