Vande Mataram must be made mandatory for all: RSS chief

via DNA published on August 30, 2006

NEW DELHI: RSS chief K S Sudarshan on Wednesday said the singing of Vande Mataram should be made compulsory in all schools, including madarsas.


“Why not? It has to be made compulsory everywhere,” he told reporters when asked whether the singing of the national song should be made compulsory in Islamic schools.


His comments came after he released a book titled “Samrasta Ke Sutra” in the capital.


“One who does not consider mother India one’s own mother cannot be the citizen of India,” Sudarshan remarked.


In his address earlier, the Sangh chief also credited the RSS with efforts to bring about equality in Indian society.


Also, he said the RSS aimed to consolidate Hindu society by breaking caste prejudices.


“We all are Hindu brothers. Castes will be there. But, we should aim to end prejudices that have arisen from them,” he said.


He insisted there have been attempts to break the Parivar. “There is foreign funding to break the Parivar, but it is still intact,” he added.


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