UPA responsible for Suryanarayana’s murder

via HK Correspondent published on May 1, 2006

NEW DELHI: The moment the news about the kidnapping of Suryanarayana by Taliban terrorists was released to the media, it was known to one and all that he was a dead man. What made the murder of Surynarayana a quick affair was the irresponsible statement issued by Shyam Saran, India’s Foreign Secretary. Instead of showing some restraint, Shyam Saran went to town challenging the Taliban terrorists. “Do not expect that we in India will be cowed down by this kidnapping. Whatever happens to Suryanarayana, India’s  commitment to Afghanistan will continue,” said Shyam Saran to the media at New Delhi. Add to this the indifferent and callous attitude by the E Ahmed, who happens to be the country’s external affairs minister. Had Surya been a Muslim, Ahmed would have gone out of the way to save him. That is what we saw in the saving of Naushad, a third rate criminal lodged in the Saudi prison for assaulting a Saudi citizen.


Immediately after the assassination of Maniappan (He was also killed by the Taliban while on an official assignment to Kabul. But we have the tendency to forget such things very quickly), one of the CPI(M) leaders in Kerala in a private talk asked me,” Why the hell this Maniappan fellow went to Kabul?  He was avaricious. He should have known that Afghanistan was not like UAE or USA”.  Now the commies and Muslim fanatics in the country will blame Suryanarayanan for his ‘avariciousness’. The fact remains that it was Hindus who got killed and not Muslims. There are so may Kerala Muslims working in Kabul. This includes the younger brother of C P Mohammed Kutty, a Congress  MLA. But they are all safe except the Hindus. 


While Surynarayana was murdered by the Islamic militants, an event took place on Kabul which did not find mention in our secular nationalist medias. A US journalist who was kidnapped by the Taliban was set free without any conditions. Even the Taliban know that US administration is a different game. They may lampoon George Bush and Tony Blair, but when it comes to facing the ground reality, the Talibans know which side of the bread is buttered.


Surynarayana will be forgotten very quickly except his wife and kids. For E. Ahmed what matters most is the fund collection drive he can undertake using the label of the ministry of external affairs. More Hindus like Surynarayana will be kidnapped and murdered by the Taliban goons. Our government led by Manmohan Singh will issue statements and threats to hoodwink the Hindus in this country, who of late have assumed the roles of village idiots. 

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