UPA government’s Muslim appeasement policies crosses all limits

via HK Correspondent published on March 9, 2010

Congress party has at all times followed the policy of Muslim appeasement. Though UPA is said to be a coalition of convenience functioning according to a common minimum programme, issues related to the minorities are being implemented with total discard to the vary fabric of a secular government that we Indians opted for. Since independence, congress party deliberately followed a minority appeasement policy to safeguard their vote banks. First it was the Hajj subsidy bestowed on Muslims during Jawaharlal Nehru’s time. Then, based on the lame excuse of minority status such religions were allowed to run educational institutions which helped the Christians to flourish in this area and boost Bible study through their educational institutions. Christians form only 1% of the population, whereas Muslims by virtue of their blatant disregard to family planning have swelled to 12% of the population. Congress party has to maintain the vote bank; thereby crores of rupees have been flown to Madrassas across the country to revamp their curriculum and make the Madrassa education equal to CBSE. Not only that unlimited scholarships are being provided to Muslim students, the girl students in particular. All these facilities are being enjoyed by the 26% Muslim population in Kerala and for higher education they further have the advantage of the income limit enhanced to 4.5 lakhs per year (those with monthly income of even Rs.37,000/- could enjoy the concessions, whereas a Hindu student with a monthly income of Rs.4000/- cannot enjoy such facility).

Latest from UPA government has been the directive issued to banks in the country to consider the religion of an applicant also while considering loan applications and to give special treat to the Muslim applicants. Hitherto, the banks have been checking on the credit worthiness of an applicant while considering the loan applications but the latest directive has sabotaged that concept and even the very meaning of secularism. One must not forget that 12% of the nation’s population comprises of Muslims and in Kerala they are over 26%. In Kerala they are very much ahead of the Hindus economically, politically, socially even religiously. Majority business ventures are being controlled by them and special consideration to such a category even at banks will definitely jeopardize the chances of others and they shall be further pushed down. The irony with the state has been that while Madam Soniaji is providing all out support to the minorities, in Kerala the CPM commanded by Pinarayi Vijayan is providing red carpet treat to Muslim community. The immunity enjoyed by Sufia Madani and the kind of protection that she and her husband Madani commands in the state clearly shows the kind of support they enjoy from the present government. In a country where Satvi Pragya Singh was subjected to all kind of atrocities by the law enforcing agencies, Sufia Madani and her husband are being cared like infants. The utterances of Madani when police picked up Sufia Madani from her residence points to the discard this labeled terrorist has for the law of the land. His question has been that how the police dared to arrest a Muslim lady who reads Qoran and perform `Namaz’ five times a day? None in the state passed a comment about such provocative laments!

To what extent such appeasement measures will go on, we do not know. But definitely, we are being pushed to the wall from where an escape is impossible.

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