Unwanted Jews of India

published on February 6, 2010



 Sonia is acting as the supreme dictator (Fuehrer) of India like Hitler in the days of Nazi Germany! Her distinguished mother-in-law Indira Gandhi acted in the same manner during the days of Emergency and thereafter till October 31, 1984. Hindus of India are being strangulated with the carefully chosen noose of SECULARISM. Secularism is also being carefully used as a slow acting poison to culturally and socially destroy the traditional roots of Hindu Society.

Sonia Congress or DMK or AIADMK or CPI(M) or CPI or RJD or NCP SECULARISM in India is a call girl who is capable of making every politician in India thaw and melt by her incomparable arts of grace, charm, seduction and coquetry. Every politician in India coyly reacts to her poetic, whisper. ‘My dear darling! why don ‘t you lie loveless upon my faithless arms!’

The Congress party in India today is in a state of stupor and inertia. Most Congressmen of today will not even be knowing the name of Annie Besant, one of the great captains in our glorious struggle for national freedom. She was described as a ‘DIAMOND SOUL’, for she had many brilliant facets to her character: As a spiritual, teacher she inspired thousands of men and women all over the world. She was an outstanding orator, a reformer, a humanist and an educationist with more than three hundred publications to her credit. The keynote of all her varied activities was her unswerving loyalty to TRUTH: To quote her own words:
‘She (truth) may lead me into the wilderness, yet I must follow her; she may strip me, of all love, yet I must pursue her though she slay me, yet will I trust in her, and I ask no other epitaph on my tomb but ‘she tried to follow Truth’.

Annie Besant started as a Roman Catholic and became the President of the Theosophical Society from 1907 to 1933. She showed better understanding of Hinduism than our de facto Prime Minister Sonia Gandhi who claims to be more ‘SECULAR’—which only means anti-Hindu, pro-Christian and pro-Muslim–than all the other politicians of India today. ANNIE BESANT categorically declared after the Moplah Rebellion in Calicut in 1921:
‘Make no mistake. Without HINDUISM INDIA has no future. Hinduism is the soil into which INDIA’s roots are struck and torn out of that she will inevitably wither, as a tree torn out from its place. And if HINDUS do not maintain HINDUISM, who shall save it? If India’s own children do not cling to her faith, who shall guard it? INDIA ALONE CAN SAVE INDIA AND INDIA AND HINDUISIM ARE ONE’.

The above ‘communal’ (!!} words were uttered by ‘non-secular’ (!!) Annie Besant (Sonia and her ever servile Congress Party would love to describe her as Uma Bharathi of British India with Italian Mafia conviction!) when we were under alien British Rule.

At that time Gandhi and the Congress Party shamelessly politically capitulated to the Moplah Islamic marauders and that disastrous move inaugurated the era of political enslavement and emasculation of the Congress Party and its leaders by the uncontrollable forces of ‘Terrorist’ and ‘Divisive’ ‘Communal’ Islam in India.

Jinnah came to control these barbarous Islamic Forces from 1935 and in a matter of 12 years arm twisted the colonial British Government and the ever dissolving Congress Party into a tame submission to his indomitable will leading to the religious partition of India on August 15, 1947.

Thus the Muslims of undivided India were liberated from the clutches of the Hindus by Jinnah. Thus they got their POORNA SWARAJ. Unfortunately for the Hindus of India, they could not liberate themselves from the clutches of the Muslims who cleverly decided to stay back in India after August 15, 1947. Thus the Hindus of India are still awaiting the moment of attainment of their POORNA SWARAJ.

After our independence from British Rule, Pandit Nehru and the Congress Party arrogated to themselves the Supreme Power of promoting and advancing the cause of Islam and the Muslims in India with rare Islamic fervour and Quranic dedication. Special provisions were made in the Indian Constitution to protect the Muslims of India as the most favoured Minorities of the State. Later Haj Subsidies were introduced for the Muslims converting the Indian State into an Islamic State. I am saying this because no other Islamic State in the Middle East has introduced such Haj Subsidies for their Muslim Citizens! Now the Muslim terrorists have become the most favoured children of the State in India.

Indira Gandhi, Rajiv Gandhi and Narasimha Rao suitably enriched the Islamic tradition of Nehru in their own way from time to time. This inglorious Islam embracing, Hindu hating and Hinduism- destroying tradition reached an all time peak under the dictatorship of de-facto Prime Minister Sonia Gandhi from 2004 to 2009.And now the Government of India is working round the clock to make the Indian State a vassal of the Islamic State of Pakistan.

The pathetic Hindus of India today have to rightly choose between the timeless wisdom of SANATANA DHARMA proclaimed with great gusto by ‘communal’ Annie Besant in 1921 and the criminal, anti-Hindu, anti-national and treasonable political expediency traded and touted by Quattrocchi brand ‘secular’ Sonia Gandhi today!

Let me quote the following poem to explain and illustrate the hopeless and pitiable flight of the Hindus of India today:

You fallen Hindus of India!
Are you aware that you are refugees in your own land?
Not very different from the Hindus of Islamic Bangladesh or Islamic Pakistan
Are you not suffocated without the bracing breath of fresh air
Wafting the sacred and sweet smelling fragrance of SANATANA DHARMA
You would be amazed how today we are pinned down at the tables
What sleight of hand we are forced to use,
Just to protect our wives and children and places of worship
How heavily armed are the players of the Islamic Secular State
Including our disgraceful and disgusting Courts of Law(-lessness!!)
That play against us with sinister sadistic designs
According to rules which they change from card to card
And on the wall is written for all the Hindus of India:    
‘Only he, who fights back is a MAN’
So that they can
Lawfully shoot us down!
And send us into ineluctable oblivion
Through carefully chosen Sonia directed
Lecherous and lousy Liberhan Commissions!    
To close the tale of their anti-Hindu commissions,
And foul-smelling omissions and emissions!

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