United Hindu Force checked Bengal Jihadis

via http://hinduexistence.wordpress.com/2010/07/21/dalanghata-punar-rathayatra-held-successfully-united-hindu-force-checked-bengal-jihadis/ published on July 22, 2010

On 21st July, there was Return Ratha Yatra Festival at Dalanghata in South 24 Parganas district. The situation was tensed as the place witnessed a major communal attack by the Muslim miscreants in the area on last 14th  July in which 2 Hindu Temples were ransacked, Deities were broken, Police were attacked, Police vehicles were burnt and huge public property was damaged. It was apprehended that the turn out of the Hindu disciples in this Return Ratha Yatra will be less.

So, Hindu Samhati volunteers spread out over the villages around, organized village meetings, mobilized people and encouraged them to attend the Festival without fear. The message was conveyed that Hindu Samhati workers are determined to protect the Hindus in the Festival from any attack or humiliation from any quarter.

With the grace of Lord Jagannath, the Hindus of Dalanghata (under Kulpi Police station, South 24 Pgs, West Bengal, INDIA) and adjacent areas made the Dalanghata Punar RathaYatra 2010, held on 21th July, a grand success. Thousands of villagers, especially the Hindu women in a large number enthusiastically participated in this occasion. Pj. Madan Pravuji of Diamond Harbour Goudiya Math inaugurated the function  with large conch tunes and religious uttering. Brahamachari Upananda, Vice President of Hindu Samhati was graced the function with other dignitaries as Tapan Biswas and Ashoke Kumar Das, senior Advocates of Diamond Harbour Criminal Court.

With a large procession the Ratha reached its resting place at Dalanghata Bridge where another hundreds of devotees received the procession with full devotion and ecstasy. The Mela of Dalanghata was full of visitors excluding any Muslim miscreants. The volunteers of Dalanghat Rath Yatra Samannoy (Co-ordination) Committee maintained the peace and gave full security to the visitors of the Mela. A huge Police force was also deployed in the Mela area.

Police objected the lectures of Pj. Madan Pravu, Tapan Biswas and Upananda Brahamachari as they urged a Hindu Unity for  self protection of the Hindu Society. Upanand Brahmachari of Hindu Samhati demanded the repairing of the destroyed Hindu temples by the Administration as their callousness caused such loss of the  Hindu people. But the protesting audience denied any plea of the police to stop the lectures in public address system by the invited guests. The guests gave their message in full to the Hindu society to be united and chess the enemies of Hindu Society with full energy and dedication for save the Sanatana Dharma.

The role of Mr. Surya Sekhar Chakroborty, Officer-in-Charge, Kulpi P.S. was questionable as he tried to stop the speech of the Hindu Saints in a Hindu Function. Sri Tapan Biswas of Hindu Samhati Core Committee fused him with strong protest. One Sub Inspector ( Mr. A.K. Mondal) tried to shorten the Mela duration as he argued with the  Mela Committee in this matter under the instruction of the higher authority.

Confidence of the local Hindus restored finally. Though the fanatic Muslims will try to fracture the Hindu unity and confidence by their Jihadi means, that can only be sorted out by the strong Hindu organisation.   Jai Jagannath.

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