Unique Exhibition of Books and Publications promoting Hindutva/Nationalism in Mumbai

published on January 22, 2012

Hindu Book Fair 2012
(An Exhibition of Books and Publications
promoting Hindutva/Nationalism)

Dates: 20th, 21st and 22nd April 2012
Venue: Sanmitra Mandal School, Goregaon East, Mumbai 400063.

Many nationalist Hindus do write books on Sanatan Hindu Dharm and also on their favourite National Heroes, and get it printed. But marketing is a big problem for them, as they are not professional marketers. Many times, books printed end up in a dead stock, although there may be many patriots who may like to buy and read such books.

Hindu Book Fair is a Platform to give exposure to all such publishers. It offers a unique opportunity to reach out to a wide audience interested in knowing more about Hindutva/Hinduism. HBF will be a meeting place between small time publishers and buyers of books on Hindutva/Nationalism. It will also be a Forum to interact with authors and publishers.

The participation in the Fair will be by invitation only, but absolutely free for publishers and sellers of Books and CDs, in all Indian languages and English. Only books promoting Hindutva/ Nationalism, Sanatan Hindu Dharm, Indian culture, national integration, Yog, Ayurved, Cow and Cow products, etc. will be allowed for exhibition in the Fair.
This event is organised by Hindu Journalists & Intellectuals Forum, a non-profit motive NGO registered under the Bombay Public Trust Act, 1950. HJIF is promoted by Hindu Voice, a registered Monthly being published in English and Hindi since April 2002.

In March 2012, Hindu Voice will be completing TEN years of uninterrupted services to its subscribers. Hindu Book Fair is organised to coincide with the celebration of this achievement.

The total cost of the exhibition – Hall charges, furniture expenses and other publicity expenses – comes to about Rs. Two lakhs. In order to defray the cost we are looking for sponsors. We need 200 sponsors of Rs.1,000/- each or 20 sponsors of Rs.10,000/- each. We are glad to mention that a Gentleman from Belgium (NRI) has sponsored Rs.10,001/- for this event. Another Hindu from USA has offered Rs.5,000/-. We would request you too to be a sponsor of this event, and help us in making it a grand success.

Donations too are welcome. Cheque should be drawn favouring “Hindu Journalists & Intellectuals Forum”. (According to IT authorities, HJIF is not eligible for 80G).

Hindu Journalists & Intellectuals Forum (Regd.)
(a NGO promoted by Hindu Voice Monthly)
210 Abhinav, Teen Dongri, Yeshwant Nagar,
Goregaon West, Mumbai 400062.
Tel: 022-28764418, 28764460, 09324728153
Email: [email protected] & [email protected]

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