Understanding Secular Deception

via Dr. Babu Suseelan published on October 12, 2009

Why people tend to forget atrocities committed against them? Why people collude with enemies? Psychiatry says (Stockholm Syndrome) when people are oppressed and enslaved for a number of years, they tend to join with the enemies and begin to oppress and harass fellow brothers and sisters. They hid behind a thick wall of denial and ignore their distorted thinking. They deny or misinterpret reality.
India is loaded with experts on secularism claiming special knowledge on every issues facing India. They tend to whitewash evil deeds perpetuated by our enemies. We are left to grope about the darkness, illogic, and “stinking Thinking” of such decepetive secular leaders. Those of us who practice Hindu Dharma must learn to spot the self-defeating logic, and deceptive thinking of such secular leaders and its ramifications on our life, our country and our future.
The intensity and regularity of this type of thinking are most common among our secular political leaders, academicians and media pundits. In normal conversation we generally do not have time to pause and analyze such deceptive statements. Hence, we may be deceived by and accept as reasonable statements that are historically untrue and meaningless. Such deceptive thinking and thought disorder are prevalent among secularists. While their assertion appears logical and it can make perfect sense to someone who suffer from secular addiction. Furthermore, although secular distorted thinking does not necessarily indicate anti-Hindutva, the intensity and regularity of this type of thinking are most common among our secular political leaders, media pundits and spiritual marketers. Sometimes these contradictions can be even more subtle. Their whimsical and capricious statements are nothing patently absurd until we pause to analyze it. The thinking of secularists is so irrational that one may not be able to communicate effectively with bogus secularists. Being confronted with the delusional thinking of a secularists can be a frustrating spectacle.
Secular interpretation and perspectives may look reasonable on the surface. Many people are naturally taken in by secular reasoning. For many phony secularists, such distorted thinking may even appear valid. Such secular addictive deception is not affected by intelligence. People functioning at the highest intellectual levels, bureaucrats, academicians, journalists are vulnerable to such thinking distortions. They do not reach a conclusion based on evidence or the facts of the situation, but just the reverse.
The noxious consequences, the enormous problems, and the risk of our nation’s survival-do not always register with them. They may not see why we should be proud of our culture, our nation. How is that secular pundits can so blatantly contradict themselves, yet not able to recognize even if it is pointed out?
We have a long way to go to make changes in such thinking.

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