Uncomplaining, Secular Hindu of Incredible India to bear the brunt of these Jihadi Protests

published on September 19, 2012

Chennai – 20,000 take to streets in Film Fury – ENS; 19-9-12

So “a stage was set up” on Dams Raod, Pudupet, off the arterial Anna Salai, hopefully with some sort of Police Permit, since these 23 Jihadi Organisations/political parties/kazhagums are peaceful, Rehamatic and Law-abiding fellows, and we at Express News Service and the Chennai Police cannot envisage these Innately Religious Criminals  going berserk. They have no RECORDED history of Organised Violence against India, and most certainly not against Hindus, at least not in our NCERT and Thamizh Classic Text Books, nor in our Police Records.

So Jihadis started assembling peacefully from 2PM., and at 4PM the mob swelled to 20,000 (allegedly), which is how many it took to overcome the 2000 strong but shackled hand and foot Police, break the barriers and flow down the mean street called Anna Salai, paralysing traffic for four hours (upto 8-9PM say, when the pangs of hunger called the Faithful to musjids, mudrasas and islamic ghettos where they could thodo their roja with beef briyani and haraami pork chops.) The mob could also peacefully, protestingly set fire to two motorbikes (not their baaps’ or behens’, nor hired for the purpose of course) on Woods Road and Gen.Patters Road, since it is part of Their Ethos, Culture and Heritage.

And just imagine the Ghandoogiri of it – they offered namaaz in front of the US Consulate, (Spiritual Home of the Islamic Patron-Jesus) and beat up two WOMEN Constables to assert the Machogiri of Islam. As a fall-out, though no apology has come (or been Reported) from the Chennai US Consul, or Visa Officer or some attached bi-chromatic Headley even), the COP of Chennai Sri Tripathy has been removed and a George (last heard of admonishing Kooduncekulam Protestors) has been plunked on the Hot Seat.

As for TNIE and the ENS, we would say that their Objectivity and Truthfulness is outstanding – as in the LINE “As was the case in the last four days it was the common man who bore the brunt of protest on Tuesday too.” As Great a Playfield-levelling Statement as any that you can come across in the Secular MSM. It would go against Main Stream Media Dharma to say that the Brunt was, as always, borne by the uncomplaining, Secular Hindu – the 85% Dumbniks of Incredible India.
And the less said about our Home, Chief, Prime Ministers the better – they have all become Black Money-nourished eaters of shit by the Metric Tonne.

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