Tolerance of intolerance is not a positive virtue

via Dr Babu Suseelan published on November 8, 2009

India is an ideal. There are several battalions of Marxists, Muslims, and Maoists opposed to that ideal. For them, Marx, Mohammed, and Mao are ideals. But there is no ideal equal or superior to the ideal of our country. The belief  that Marx, Allah, and Mao are superior to the Indian ideal is an illusion.

We are free to choose any leader, any philosophy and values. But that does not mean our freedom should be used to promote an ideal which is divisive, fragmentary, dualistic and terroristic. We remain as a nation, because our broad based, eclectic and pluralistic ideal. We should not allow Jihadis, Marxists or subversive agents to introduce whimsical, delusional and divisive ideologies to destroy our country. In the name of freedom, Mullahs, Marxists and Jihadis are subverting our freedom and they are not known for lovers of freedom, peace and coexistence. They are trying to impose their rigid, dualistic, conflict producing dogmas on us by blood and iron.
Mullahs who oppose to Vande Mtararam should be given an unambiguous warning that any violation of India’s sacred ideal will face the wrath of the majority. The majority Indians should not tolerate reckless and divisive policies of the Mullahs. To make India enjoyable and exciting, we have to wipe out weeds growing freely in our soil. Tolerance of intolerant people and their intolerant ideologies and practices is not a positive virtue. It is time to put a stop to sociopathic epidemics.

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