To Nitesh Kumar ..

published on April 21, 2013

Shri Nitesh Kumar should carefully read the following excerpt from the late Upadhyaya’s speech for a better understanding of his major ally.

Addressing the Kozhikode session of the Bharatiya Jan Sangh, he had said, 

“We are pledged to the service not of any particular community or section but of the entire nation. Every countryman is blood of our blood and flesh of our flesh. We shall not rest till we are able to give to every one of them a sense of pride that they are children of Bharatmata. We shall make Mother India Sujala, Suphala (overflowing with water and laden with fruits) in the real sense of these words. As Dashapraharana Dharini Durga (Goddess Durga with her 10 weapons) she would be able to vanquish evil; as Lakshmi she would be able to disburse prosperity all over and as Saraswati she would dispel the gloom of ignorance and spread the radiance of knowledge all around her. With faith in ultimate victory, let us dedicate ourselves to this task”.

Can there be anything more inclusive than this?

Read full Article on Coalition Dharma by K G Suresh @

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