“Times Now” gets a taste of Christian Aggression!

via Thamizhchelvan published on September 16, 2010

A Reporter, Camera Man and an Assistant (all Hindus) from “Times Now” TV Channel, who went to Santhome Arch Bishop Chinnappa’s house to gather news about the on going case between a student’s parents and a Teacher of a school belonging to Santhome Arch Diocese at the Madras High Court, in which, the Arch Bishop has been summoned by the HC as a witness, were detained by a team of Padires in a room inside Chinnappa’s house and beaten badly.

When the Journalists’ Union and Press Club members resorted to a road roko against the hooliganism of the Padires, Police intervened, released the scribes from captivity, and eventually Chinnappa had to apologise.

This goes to prove the fact that the Padires would go to any extent when they have a supportive government pandering to them always.

While only a small section of Dravidian-Minority controlled media had bothered to report the matter, just for the sake of it, major section preferred not to report it at all. The concerned TV Channel itself was not bothered to telecast it.

Though such an incident would never happen in a “Hindu” institution, assuming such an incident had happened inside a “Hindu” institution, the news would have been repeatedly flashed in all the TV Channels and reported on the Front Page by all the newspapers.

This incident is a classic example for Minority (Christian) Aggression, conniving government, spinelessness of a third rate media and the hopeless situation of ‘Hindu’ scribes.   

Hope Hindus wake-up soon!

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