Time to ‘right’ them!

via News Today - Editorial published on December 10, 2008



Human rights is much talked about in these times of terror attacks. 10 December is marked as the ‘Human Rights Day‘. The universal human right of living peacefully with equal rights is being promoted now throughout the world.


In India the fundamental rights enshrined in the constitution are The Right to Equality, The Right to Freedom, The Right to Freedom of Religion, The Right against Exploitation, cultural and Educational Rights and The Right to Constitutional Remedies.

While the intention of the Constituent Assembly in including the above-said ‘rights’ in the Constitution
was noble, the last sixty years of practice and implementation have led
to a situation where certain clauses need to be questioned and certain
amendments have to be made using the ‘Right to Constitutional

For instance, the ‘Right to
Freedom of Religion’ enshrined in the Constitution has proved to be
‘discriminatory’ in nature against the majority community, as evidenced
by the turn of events over the last sixty years. While the majority
community’s freedom of religion has been restricted in almost all the
fields from education & educational institutions
to practice and places of worship, the minority communities are awarded
full freedom in all the fields. They misuse the freedom to propagate,
and indulge in conversions leading to unrest in the society.

While the temples and
worshipping places of the majority community come under the control of
governments, the same is not the case with minority communities.
Similarly the pilgrimages of minorities get State’s support through
subsidies and other benefits, while there is no such facility for
majority community (the point is, a secular State
should not fund both). In the educational sector, minority communities
enjoy the full freedom to establish and run their educational
institutions according to their fancy, the same is restricted for the
majority. The fact that the Church has the largest land holdings,
second only to the government, says it all!

Unfortunately in India, the ‘human right’ is seen through ‘secular’ prism. The NGOs and other Human Rights Organisations
(HROs) in India indulge in covert anti-India operations using the
health and education sectors. Here again the freedom of religion and
the cultural & educational rights are clubbed together and
blatantly misused.   

Another dangerous aspect with regards to the ‘human rights’ in India is the consistent attempts by the NGOs and HROs to take the cause of anti-social elements like naxalites, Maoists
and anti-national elements like terrorists. These organisations have
never bothered about the human rights of victims of terror and naxal

When the State has a separate
‘National Minority Commission’, there is no such facility for the
majority community. Even the so-called National Human Rights Commission
has never bothered about the victims belonging to majority community.
When ‘inhuman’ terrorists like Madhani and Afzal Guru have advocates of
human rights fighting for their rights, the rights of Hindu religious
leaders and Army officers incarcerated in prisons have been totally
ignored by the State.  

With so many discrepancies in
the laws of fundamental rights enshrined in the Constitution
discriminating against the majority community without any freedom of
equality, there is no point in observing the ‘Human Rights Day’. The
need of the hour is to make the necessary amendments in the
Constitution, so that, all people are equally treated as ‘Indians’ for
a peaceful coexistence.

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