Thousands came back to their Ancestoral Vedic Path – Arya Samaj takes up Massive Shudhi Yajna

via published on December 31, 2011

Update on 29 Dec 2011: The final leg of Shuddhi program has been postponed to January 2012 to bring larger number of participants. The previous program saw violent threats to volunteers and participants, and hence we intend to do the next event in more planned manner ensuring safety of all. The pics and videos of the previous events shall be made public in next few days after due diligence process.

Update on 26 Dec 2011:
The actual number of Shuddhis for previous program was 2000, though initially 900 were planned to attend.

Update on 25 Dec 2011:

In yet another formal ceremony, 857 Christian brothers & sisters resolved to return back to their Vedic/ Hindu roots on the opportune day of Christmas. Agniveer heartily welcomes them back to the family where they would admire the real Krishna instead of Christ fiction. Another 50 erstwhile Mohammedans also embraced the Vedic/Hindu religion of their ancestors in the same ceremony. All these people have now resolved to become humans instead of a Christian or a Mohammedan. Agniveer thanks all individuals and organizations that joined hands to make this ceremony a success in a region infested with fanatics amidst grave dangers and violent oppositions from antisocial elements.

Update on 24 Dec 2011:

In yet another Agniveer sponsored program, 102 truth-seekers formally embraced the Vedic Dharma/Hinduism of their ancestors. We welcome the reunion with our long-lost family members who till recently used to call themselves as allied to Mohammedans or Christians alone. Agniveer thanks all organizations and individuals who made this homecoming possible. More details very soon.

Update on 23 Dec, 2011:

Agniveer welcomes 1200 brothers and sisters who formally resolved to promote Vedic Dharma/ Hinduism in a function organized today in a prominent location in Uttar Pradesh, India. These people, who so far considered themselves as only Mohammedans, have decided to now consider entire humanity as their own family regardless of religion, cast or cult and embrace Vedas. We thank every individual and organization that contributed in this noble effort. We humbly dedicate this to glory of Swami Shradhanand – the father of Shuddhi movement – who was murdered by a fanatic today 85 years ago. More updates on this later.

Earlier Update:

We thank all our patrons for their overwhelming support to the Shuddhi Yajna. We had truly not anticipated such a widespread acceptance of this concept across geographies, religions and sects.

As we had detailed earlier, the event was supposed to happen at Haridwar, the Karmabhoomi of legendary Swami Shradhanand who was the father of Shuddhi movement on occasion of his martyrdom. However the institution which had committed to arrange for boarding and lodging of the participants in Haridwar suddenly backed off yesterday. We are not aware of the reasons and external pressures that might have forced them to take such an anti-Vedic decision merely 3 days before the program. After all no one can deny the strings that sickular leaders of this country can pull to thwart any Hindu mission. But we can only speculate.

The narrow space of time made it practically impossible for us to make any alternative arrangements for hundreds of participants in this cold wave. So while the shocking turn of events did disappoint us for a while, eventually it reaffirmed our belief that if we are on path of truth, whatever the Supreme Lord does is for our own benefit. We don’t know how to thank Him for his continued kindness!

With His inspiration, we have now streamlined the entire process of Shuddhi for greater penetration. Now we are conducting multiple events in major locations of India from where majority of participants were coming. So now instead of a single event in Haridwar, we are having 4 different events between 23rd December and 30th December 2011. These events not only cover the entire group of original participants but reach out to many more lovers of Vedic or Hindu Dharma. To provide a rough estimate, we are now reaching out to 4 times the original number of participants.

The details of these events are not being made public at this juncture to ensure there are no further unanticipated hindrances or strings impacting them. We shall showcase all these details once the events have been conducted.

Further, the same series of events would continue throughout next year and we have started developing necessary infrastructure to facilitate entry of any spiritual person into Vedic Dharma. We estimate several thousand people to take benefit of this in the next 6 months.

A large number of foreign participants also expressed their interests in joining this Yajna. However arrangement of Visa within such a short span of time was a problem for most of them and hence most of them requested to postpone the event. Thus we have decided to organize a special event for foreign participants next year wherein they get ample time to fulfill Visa and other requirements. We shall soon come up with more details on this.

We would also like to highlight a few important points regarding the concept of Shuddhi as envisaged by Agniveer. Please note that Shuddhi has nothing to do with proselytization. It is simply a process whereby a person belonging to any race, sect, religion, place, caste, gender etc formally commits to consider the entire humanity as his own family and upheld the Vedic virtues of truth, non-violence, character, social well-being and universal humanism. We call it Shuddhi because it is a commitment to keep purifying oneself every moment from ill thoughts and ill actions.

The other name of the same Yajna is Vedic Deeksha Yajna (Vedic initiation) because this is a commitment to be driven by intellect and put all efforts to nurture the intellect. After all it is the intellect wherein Vedas or true wisdom lie.

Since Vedas belong to an era when there was no other religion and Vedas put no artificial criteria on being eligible, all human beings are eligible to embrace the Vedic Dharma or Hindu Dharma or Hindutva regardless of their race, sect, religion, caste, gender etc. All you need to do is to be honest and follow the inner voice.

We hope that all right-minded peace-loving people of the world would join the mission of embracing this Vedic Dharma or Hindu Dharma or Hindutva. And make world a better place!

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