Thou Shall Not pollute The Earth, Thou Shall Beware Genetic Manipulation.

via HK published on March 11, 2008

the days when they brutally murdered scientists and discoverers who out put
forth their theories on Earth and from the days they called earth worshipers as
pagan, the world has see many atrocious claims like these to kill intelligent
people of the world.

The Catholic clergy have now woken up to some great truths and have come
forward to revise its list of sins. An interesting pointer would be the proclamations;
Thou Shall Not pollute The Earth. Thou Shall Beware Genetic Manipulation.

The Hindus, right from the time their civilization took form, have been ardent
followers of environmental protection. In fact their scriptures detail on how
to protect the earth and this is precisely why the Sun, the Moon, the Earth,
the Oceans, the Mountains are prayed too. The scriptures, as per the foundation
belief of God in all living matters, lay down rituals to please the Gods and
consider the Earth as Mother.

This has been considered as pagan by the Semitic religions for ages and the
Hindus have faced strong condemnation on this account. In fact the voice of God
for the Semitic religions have strongly condemned these practices. And these
words of God’s have made the Semitic followers attack the Hindu nation of
Bharath countless number of times. They have looted and plundered the wealth of
Bharath accusing the Hindu followers as devil worshipers. The Semitic religions
failed to understand the concept of giving a godly form to the forces of
nature. They often ridicule the sages and saints who do penance in the Himalayas to protect Bharath and its people from the
anger of nature. This anger stems from the very fact that mankind has often and
is still in the process of often reversing the natural formations of the Earth.
The Hindu spiritual angle to the protection of forests and rivers has always
been shown in a negative light by the new age religions. They have always used
these as an object of criticism in their theories and lectures.

But today the words of our great holy men are coming true. The vision they had before
them and the message they gave us from time immemorial stands out today in the
face of global warming and other environmental issues. The dangers of
genetically modifying the forces of nature and playing Brahma, the God of
Creation, will slowly begin appearing more as a reality than a science fiction
movie thriller.

Mankind needs to sit up and take notice before it is too late. As Hindus we
have the responsibility to the world to educate the people on the sacred
teaching of our scriptures and showing the way of Vasudeva Kudumbakam to live
in harmony with environment and God.


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