Third generation converted are quietly deserting the Church – Survey

published on April 12, 2010

Misra Report: A Boon or Bane for Christians in India
Press Release

New Delhi: 11 April, 2010: Much acclaimed Ranganath Misra Commission Report on minorities may pove to be double edged sword according to a critique prepared by two Christian organizations: Poor Christian Liberation Movement (PCLM) and Indian Christian Righteous Action Forum (ICRA) released in the capital today.

One of the main recommendations of the Ranganath Misra Commission is to give reservation to Christians on the basis of caste. The PCLM and Forum ICRA after survey in many parts of country among poor Christians found out that such provisions are volatile of the teachings of Jesus Christ and Christian belief. ”It seems that Ranganath Misra Commission has not consultated Vatican before making caste base reservation for Christians “, the critique stated. The Two organizations have urged the Vatican and World Council of Churches to appoint a world wide religious committee to determine the “caste question for Christians “till then the Govt. of India may hold on the recommendations of the Ranganath Commission on hold ate last for the Christians, the press release mentioned.

 The president of PCLM, RL Francis stated that” the church in India is run according to the Cannon  laws and without bringing change into that such recommendations are “satanic verses ” for any sensible Christians.

 “The discrimination within the Church is internal matter and no amount of legislations and reservations would remove it” JG Anthony of Forum ICRA stated clarifying that the Church runs 40,000 educational and 6,000 medical centers in India then how come Christians of Dalit background have not received education and health care.” The discrimination problem is related to the “mentality” within the Church”Antony said.

The Church in India needs internal reforms and to reservations the critique report released b y the two Christians organizations stated.” The government could help the poor Christians on the basis of Below Poverty Line family formula and we are not opposed to such reservations ” the two organizations suggested.

In the current forms any implementation of the Ranganath Misra report would be considered an indirect ‘inducement” for religious conversion to Dalit Hindus which eventually would bring down their percentage in India population, the critique hinted.
For last one decade conversion from Dalit Hindus to Christians has practically come to stand still and moreover, in Tamil Nadu, Andhra Pradesh, Maharashtra, Gujarat, Madhya Pradesh and Punjab the “third generation converted are  quietly deserting the Church in the absence of any tangible benefit. ” We wish real change of heart of any body who wishes to adopt Christianity and not on the basis of any allurement in the form of reservations” the press release stated.

The critique cautioned that Ranganath Misra report recommendation in the long run would prove to be bane rather than a boon for the Christians in India.


R L Francis

 President- PCLM

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