The shadowy world of the Congress and Sonia Maino’s rules of deception

via Dr. Babu Suseelan published on December 22, 2010

The Congress Party has just concluded their plenary session in New Delhi. All activities of the Party convention have been subordinated to the financial goals of the Sonia Maino dynasty. The conference has not received any consideration on the Pakistan inspired-financed-and directed Jihadi terrorism in India, Chinese encirclement of the North East, Illegal Islamic militant infiltration from Bangladesh, missionary supported Maoist violence and corruption or any other social crisis of the day. Instead they spend their energy in criticizing the majority peace loving Hindus, Hindu organizations like RSS and Hindutva, the oldest surviving tolerant culture in the world.

Dig Vijay Sing, Arjun Singh, Chidambaram, Rahul and other Sonia cronies have issued a statement insulting Hindus and RSS to promote Pakistan interests and divisive forces. Sonia briefly mentioned about stopping corruption at the end of the plenary session. It is like an acute alcoholic cautioning others about drinking. She was in fact euphoric for successful avoidance of any discussion of her family involvement in looting public funds out of the country.

The Congress Party leader Dig Vijay Singh issued a statement comparing RSS with Nazis. And Israel Embassy in New Delhi quickly rebutted his false comparison.   It’s amazing that a political leader knowledgeable about world history understand so little about Nazism, holocaust and Hindutva. He is like a ranting teenager burdened with both a disordered view on Hindu Dharma and typical boot licking behavior of the Italian born Catholic congress party boss Sonia Maino.  His “foot in his mouth”, irrational statement carries weird, embarrassing and unfortunate connotations. The immoral and insane statement against RSS from such anti national congress leaders was expected. Blaming RSS is a critical plank in the ideology of the Congress Party. RSS, the largest social service organization in the world involved in Man Making, was singled out and demonized in an effort to please Jihadis and Pakistan.  Presumably, he intended to please his slave mistress and our arch enemies within and without. The reason for his bizarre statement is probably because deep down, buried beneath his ideological illusion is a dangerous delusion of wiping out Hindus and RSS from the face of India.

Congress party members, like dogs are mere followers, they lack disposition to lead the country. There is no internal democracy or freedom to think in the Congress party and the members imitate the leaders like Sonia Maino, Rahul Khan, Margret Alwayae, Oscar Fernandez, Ahamed Patel, Salaman  Kurshid, or P.J. Kuriyan according to the circumstances.

It is time for the majority Hindus to ask few questions:

Why are we electing such anti national, anti Hindu leaders?

Why Do we always act out of national interest?

Why do we tolerate public looting by politicians who have no national interest?

How can we be sure that India should be like really what the uneducated Italian lady takes to be?

What is her knowledge about our culture, spiritual traditions, philosophy and national interests?

The queer things about these questions are that we need answers, but they also need further process and solutions. We need self-reflection and Hindus are relentlessly capable of reflection on our past history, present predicament and future goals. Thinking about this, we may want to think about Islamic invasion, coercive religious conversion by Christian colonialists, our pseudo-secular anti-national education system, and confront anti national policies of the Congress party and corruption. We also are bound to ask what is meant by tolerance, secularism, and study the disordered lenses through which our political leaders see us.

The majority Hindus should take an active and alternative to the contemporary deceptive rule of the congress party by an alien. Our society suffers from her lack of imagination and commitment for our national ideals. We need to transform our terrible passivity and helplessness of suffering into activity.

Our culture has value, and it can be used to strengthen our resolve, to face the doom confront us all. We should not surrender or submit our collective sacred will to schizoid destructive impulses of the anti national congress leaders. We were enslaved before. It could happen again unless we act now. Bu understanding the true nature of our tormentors and enemies, we can help prevent such tragedies from ever recurring. It is time for us to examine our cowardice and compromise. Those who are deceived by the phony secular, corrupt, criminal gang have to see its evil control and free from its chains and abandon all illusions. 

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