The Sexual Predators of India -Law, Policy, Evaluation and Punishment

published on January 22, 2013

Throughout the several decades, Indian society has moved from being reluctant to even admit that sexual abuse is a widespread occurrence to a position of attempting to identify quick fixes for this very serious social problem. Often these attempts are “knee Jerk” reactions to the emotionally charged stories presented in the media, particularly following high profile cases; the widespread use of the internet has also provided increased opportunities to provoke fear in citizens and other dubious solutions for the problem of violent crime.

Indian women strive to feel more protected from the acts of personal violence. The state and Central Government quickly enact legislation to punish sexual offenders. The government is in a hurry to pass legislation and approve statutes before their effectiveness can be adequately studied. Death sentence for known sex offenders and rapists are examples of efforts to help citizens feel safer, although the value of such laws is still not clear. While it is likely that they prevent some sexual offenses, it provides a false sense of security. In several states of India, prominent jurists have recommended “Chemical Castration “of repeat sexual offenders despite strong evidence that the method is not an effective solution[B1] . In response to the new wave of legislation for death sentence for sexual offenders who commit a crime of death, mental health professionals and legal experts have become embroiled in a heated debate concerning the constitutionality 0f such statues. The main arguments have focused on double jeopardy concerns, ex post facto issues, and treatment issues. Given that the labels used by the laws tend to demonize sexual offenders , under these acts ,it has been noted that it is likely to difficult to ever place these sexual offenders in the community even following completion of civil commitment, treatment or jail sentence.

These legal arguments are extremely important; they do not address the immediate concerns of the victims.Our life style is changing, since we are imitating the decadence of the west, sexual offences will continue in India. In Our family, religious, community values are changing fast. Television and other print and electronic media are full with articles and advertisement to diminish the importance of our Hindu culture or to destroy our Values. The value less values of the capitalist society is being introduced in India. The anti national Congress government is not interested in restoring the sense of safety and security to Indian residents. Instead of arresting, prosecuting and sentencing predatory sexual offenders, the Congress government and pseudo secular leaders are embroiled in a heated debate concerning the constitutionality of arresting, detaining and prosecuting Islamic and Christian sexual predators and terrorists. Their flimsy arguments to save Madhani (Jihadi Terrorist), to neutralize Sister Achaia Case, and to ignore the Hate speech of Owasi show the reluctance of the Sonia congress to solve or prevent crimes involved with Islamic and Christian social deviants. Instead anti national pseudo secular leaders have focused on double jeopardy concerns, issues related to special privileges for Muslims and Christians and their special political status in India.

While the anti Hindu and anti national center government and several state congress governments are not interested in addressing the immediate concerns of those faced with the task of helping victims of sexual abuse.Sex offender laws are very clear and are extremely important, but in India, that do not address the immediate concerns of those faced with those who are developing programs for the victims and their families.It is the duty and responsibility of every elected government to be concerned with programs, assessment of risk, and similar matters relating to the person who may be labelled a sexually violent predator.

India should pass sexually violent predator laws that allow courts to impose civil commitments of persons convicted of sex offenses following their prison sentences. Sex offenders are likely to repeat their sex crimes. It is a habit of the sex offender and it cannot be changed or altered. It is a deviant mental abnormality and not a mental illness.

In India, sex offenders, corrupt officials, and criminal legislators are seldom punished. Several factors (vote Bank Politics) prevent the government to punish these sex predators enough in the legal sense.

In conclusion, I may say that Indian citizens should wake up, join together and push out the corrupt, criminal and anti national politicians who are not interested in providing safety and security for all citizens. In recent years our society has become increasingly aware of sexually violent, predatory individuals who may have numerous victims or who may have victimized one or several victims many times. In efforts to increase public safety, nationalist citizens must elect nationalists to govern us and citizens must force them to enact sexual predator laws. The public must recognize that there is no profile or single set of characteristics that applies to sex offenders in general.

In India, sex offenders are rarely charged or each act or incident of sexual misconduct against each victim. Over all, through the current records of sex offenses in India, there is relatively complete deficiency in sex offender laws. In addition, the dysfunctional and deviant sex shows in TV should be banned. Special statues must be enacted to arrest, detain and commit sexual psychopathic deviants.

It is my opinion that sexual offenders continues to present a danger to others in terms of future sexual offences to women, girls and children. They should be cornered and contained or we all become victims.

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