The Sanjeev Bhatt Case and nefarious busybodies

via Dr. Vijaya Rajiva published on October 8, 2011

Inside India there are the usual liberal busybodies such as film director Mahesh Bhatt and danseuse Mallika Sarabhai whose vocabulary does not seem to extend beyond the word ‘fascism.’ The arrest of Sanjeev Bhatt in Gujarat is viewed solely through the prism of this word that they have become impaled on. Their goal is quite clear : somehow tarnish the Gujarat Chief Minister, through a loud campaign against ‘ fascism’. They call Bhatt a whistle blower, while others have called him a discredited cop, a professional liar and so on. Having looked at the accounts both of Bhatt’s misdemeanours, serious offences and even criminality, the present writer has concluded that the Gujarat police have indeed done the right thing.

However, there is also the international link with the domestic busybodies. Senior journalists such as Radha Rajan have written extensively about NGOs actively working against the country’s interests (See the book Vigil book on NGOs-NGOs, Activists and Foreign Funds. It can be found at the Vigilonline website). The list of 35 such organizations can be viewed there. The present writer will comment on their latest shenanigans : the use of the Sanjeev Bhatt arrest in Gujarat to demean, insult and threaten both the government of India and the Indian judiciary. They call themselves Coalition against Genocide (CAG). These self appointed guardians of human rights and legalities write in an offensive and authoritarian manner. Consider the language of their recent letter to the President of India, the Prime Minister and the Chief Justice of India regarding their proposal to start an international campaign against the arrest of Sanjeev Bhatt.

Let us consider the CAG’s letter. Here are some revealing excerpts, after the obligatory references to ‘respectully requesting.’

“  . . . . . launching an international campaign on his behalf in the absence of corrective action by the Central Government to ensure his safety . . . . .”

“ . . . . . Such treatment of whistleblowers . . . . . positions India as a gross violator of human rights from an international human rights standpoint.”

“ . . . . . while we are bound by our ethics to stand on the side of truth and justice we sincerely hope that we will not need to launch such a campaign.”

This is clearly the language of threat and intimidation. However, their best efforts will go out like a damp squib because they cannot be taken seriously. Working abroad, from outside India and liberally funded by dubious agencies these individuals imagine that they can really bully the Government of India and the Indian Judiciary by veiled threats.
Note the threatening language : do as we think fit or else. . . .

Can these bullies be taken seriously ? No doubt there are such  people as Naveen Pillai of South Africa who have tried their best to haul India up before various UN organizations.
Then there are people like a fellow who recently suggested that if persuasion and international coercion don’t work then why not try an invasion ! He used to participate in some respectable organization but since his activities have come to light he seems to have been expelled from these organizations.

What all of these nefarious characters have in common is their goal of somehow destabilizing India and and hopefully balkanise the country. This is their agenda. These trouble makers will not succeed. However, they will cause endless harm and suffering to the aam admi in India. Who are their taskmasters ? Both Radha Rajan’s book and the recent book Breaking India(2011, authors Aravindan Neelakandan & Rajiv Malhotra) provide detailed information about these and other dubious characters and their organisations.

Behind the niceties of their address to the Indian authorities, the insolence of their behaviour and their real agenda can be detected. It is time that these busybodies be investigated thoroughly by the Government of India.

(The writer is a Political Philosopher who taught at a Canadian university).

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