The Saints and the Beatified had better march out of the country – Sadhus and Sants are Marching In

via K Vijayan published on May 30, 2011

It is too late for anti-Indian Government to halt anti-corruption movement

After a thousand years of “managing” India by the aulaads of Macaulay and Babar, Indians are now saying “Enough”, the last straw being the Radiated Spectrum Scam, where the defacto but dummy PM has been found to be as much part of the gang of Jolly Looters as the as-yet un-charge-sheeted Sonia (Fake) Gandhi.

It all started with Hindu Guru Baba Ramdeo taking up cudgels against corruption and announcing the formation of a Political Party with the declared objective of coming down heavily on Corruption in Highest Places, and more importantly tracking and repatriating the 2 Trillion or so US$ held by Indian and Fake Indian Leaders in Tax Havens abroad. Two years later the movement was found to be heading for popularity and gaining momentum among all sections of Indians in India and abroad, and the Congress Managers woke up to the threat to the beloved Hand that was keeping them well-fed and well-perked.

So a relatively unknown old Congress Social Worker, Anna Hazare was “found”, who was more than willing to be pushed into the limelight and Spearhead a Movement against Corruption, by Launching a Gandhian Fast-unto-death, with well-known anti-Hindu Congress, Christian, Muhammedan and Communist “activists”, pseudo-intellectuals, Baptist Fund Eaters, Mugsaysay Awardees of dubious provenance, and the Main Stream Media’s 24X7 support. A Committee was formed, the “Fast” called off and Soniamen heaved a sigh of relief.

But alas the Anti Corruption Sentiment was too deep-rooted and the Civil Society Members not as pliable as was needed, and the deliberations took a disastrous and vituperous turn with Dynasty Loyalists and Babudom demanding that Prime Minister, 95% of bureaucracy, 100% of Legislators, 200% of the Judiciary, and all Our Favourite Minorities should be Non-Lok-Palable, totally.

Baba Ramdeo and his movement though fully supportive of the Anna Hazare Effort, was not content to be fobbed off by Cosmetic Committees, and promises of Milk, Honey and Munnah-Munnis from Heaven, and the Foreign Hand controlling them. One of the Fake Hindus on the Hazare Band Wagon, a Swami Ugnivesh, had his turban ripped off and was slapped around by a Hindu Sadhu at an Ahmedabad Jamboree organised by the Establishment for Anna Hazare. This over-fed Fake Sadhu outraged Hindu sensibilities by declaring that the Ice Lingam at Amarnath was a Fake, like his saffron robes and his Mistress’ Indian Origin or Cambridge degrees. Sonia’s establishment and Padiri World nodded approvingly, but one genuine sadhu was enough to make them run like Sonia’s countrymen after being dosed with castor oil by the Late Mussolini.

And that perhaps explains why Sonia’s Cabinet and Poll Cheat are running after Ramdeo Baba to call off the stir he has proposed to start in Dilli from the 2nd of June. What the Main Stream Media kept out of the visual and Print Media was that prior to Anna Hazare’s well-publicised stunt a Meeting called by Baba Ramdeo in Dilli was attended by over two lakh aam aadmis. More than twenty Congress MPees had been ready to come out and join Baba Ramdeo’s Party too, apart from scores of BJP and others. The Media could have alerted the Alien Establishment then itself, just like they kept the 26/11 invaders informed of every move the Indian Security Forces made.

Too late for tears now. The Saints and the Beatified had better march out of the country – the Sadhus and Sants are Marching In, leading Indian Citizens forward as to war. Unarmed as of now, but don’t push it.

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