The new agenda for Hindus

via Dr Babu Suseelan published on December 5, 2010

Islamic invaders and Christen colonialists had one plan for looting our priceless wealth. Since they found Hindus have no real army for continuing a relentless war against enemies, they have expanded their looting expedition and penetrated deep in to the country. Soon they began forcefully converting our people and introduced Arab and European imperialism backed by Mullahs and missionaries. It resulted in eclipse of Hindutva. They were successful because of our inertia and public passivity.
Great leaders like Shivaji, Sarvarkar, Tilak, and Guruji had organized Hindus and sounded a wake-up call to regain our land, culture and values. The struggle have yet to bear fruit since India has been electing atheist, anti national, pseudo secular political leaders to control our destiny. RSS and several Hindu organizations make a persuasive argument about the dangers of enfettered political-jihadi-missionary power, but also takes them to task for failure to enforce Dharma.
At best, I am of the view that without considering our history we will not act in a way true to the ideals underlie it. We have to use the tools of tyrants to resist an assault the forces of tyranny. Political parties will surrender their tricks and anti Hindu stance if they face massive reprisals. Instead of anger, frustration and pessimism, Hindus should develop their self-esteem, assertiveness and fight for our culture and Dharma with all means available. We must understand the task at hand and it will affects each person and our nation. A country full of passive people and zombies cannot create a civilization or sustain the cultural history created by assertive forefathers.

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