The “MOST WANTED LIST” in blunderland

via Lt Gen SK Bahri (Retd) published on May 19, 2011

Are Rahul Gandhi and Mrs Gandhi only ashamed of the acts of omission and commission of the opposition parties? Should they not be ashamed about the blunders of their own government?

The Home Ministry has made our nation a laughing stock due to the incompetence of our  flat footed cops. They act so arrogant they feel that it is the job of the others to do accurate staff work for them and , they should not be responsible for going into such mundane things. The MHA has been scoring points in the media that it has put the Pakistan government on a spot by giving them a list of 50 Indian and Pakistani terrorists. Not realising that two of them are in our country.

Problem the country faces is that all civil services are busy upgrading their appointments with the result that you will seldom find an under secretary or deputy secterary of the IAS at the centre, similarly IPS like IAS only plays kabbadi in the lower levels appointments – touch and run. They have out sourced all the jobs which require painstaking and diligent work to the Central Secretariat cadre or the state govt cadres who have been promoted to the all India services. Trouble is that there are two many chiefs and no indians to do the dirty work and so we are at the receiving end of their congenital incompetence. India must be the only country where a civil servant can serve bereft of any mid career training or performance based filters and getting increments after increments till approximately 25 years of service. If by misfortune some hapless guy is caught out due to gross stupidity, all that  happens to him is that he is posted to another appointment to spread his stupidity further afield. (The foreign service is no better, the effect of their incompetence is even greater. But we will leave it for another debate.)

Worse is that all efforts to bring accountabilty and winnowing of the chaff from the grain are resisted. As a consequence the civil service mafia, backed by a partisan section of the media, has become so strong that it is least bothered about our self serving netas. No wonder we are being governed by mediocrity. God only can save us!

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