The Majority Report – A yeoman’s service to the majority community

published on December 31, 2013

Book Review

The Majority Report

By Ram Kumar Ohri, IPS (Retd), Jai Prakash Sharma, IPS (Retd), Published by Samarth, New Delhi 2013 (Pages 175; Rs.200/-)

The Congress led UPA government which came into power in 2004 on the support of Muslims took a number of policy decisions which are patently against non-Muslims. In keeping with the Muslim demands, it set up Sachar Committee, Ranganath Misra Commission, Committee on Muslim Minority Education including a separate Ministry of Minority Affairs.  Those conversant with the history of pre-Independence India would recall that the Muslim League was established in 1906 after a memorandum was presented two months earlier to Viceroy Minto.  The memorandum had emphasized that Muslims were a minority with a imperial past.  The government, while considering concessions to the community, should bear this in mind. The demands inter alia included : separate electorates, reservation in jobs in government departments and a Muslim university.  The 1909 Morley-Minto reforms agreed to the demands minus the setting up of a University as the British felt that this would breed separatism. As the process of self government gained momentum, Muslims went on inflating their demands including the creation of new provinces wherein Muslims were in a majority.  Bihar, Orissa and Sind were separated accordingly; the NWFP was declared a Governor’s province.  When Mahatma Gandhi appeared on the Indian political horizon, he surrendered to the demands in the hope that Muslims would support the Congress in its demand for Independence.  They did but insisted that India should be divided on the basis of religion into Hindustan and Pakistan.  To reinforce their demand for a separate homeland, the Muslim League declared in March 1940, that Muslims were a Nation and not a Minority.  It is on this basis that India was divided.

The tragedy of India is that Nehru while directing the framing of India’s Constitution, introduced the word minority again. The Congress led government of UPA has unleashed a full fledged programme for the creation of an Islamic State within the Indian Republic.  Messers Ohri and Sharma’s book The Majority Report provides a detailed picture of how the Congress government has relentlessly pursued this objective. This reminds one of the League’s demands made in pre-Independence India. The book,  a compact volume of about 200 pages, shows in detail how statistics/data have been manipulated by the Sachar Committee to justify a set of special schemes. According to the author : This book brings out serious irregularities in the composition, functioning and blatant partiality towards Muslims in the Sachar Committee Report headed by a former Chief Justice of a High Court.  The authors go on to observe that Prime Minister Manmohan Singh made an astounding statement on December 9, 2006, proclaiming that the Muslims will have first claim to India’s resources. Did the Prime Minister forget the fact that there were crores of poor Hindus among the so-called higher castes who also deserved to be helped?

What is not realized by the Hindus at large is that all these pro-Muslim programmes have their financial implications.  Eventually, it is the Hindus who will bear the cost of running such schemes and programmes.  Therefore, the book deserves to be read by all who want to know how Hindus are being discriminated against and exploited by the Congress leadership for vote bank  politics.

The writers have done a yeoman’s service to the majority community by producing this book.

Published by Samarth, New Delhi 2013 (Pages 175; Rs.200/-)

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