The Ignoble Rajput Digvijay Singh and his Entourage

via Dr. Vijaya Rajiva published on July 20, 2011

After the attack on the Hindu yoga guru Swami Ramdev and his non violent peaceful followers on June 4 after midnight on the Ramlila grounds in New Delhi, the liberal press may have fallen silent. CNNIBN covered that ignominous night and early morning quite professionally and subsequently there was an impassioned interview conducted by the normally urbane Karan Thapar against a Congress minister for the attack on a peaceful non violent crowd. Longtime Congress loyalist Mani Shankar Iyer stated clearly and publicly that there was absolutely no need for this lathi charge on the peaceful crowd. There had been no signs of any impending violence, they were asleep when the attack began  and furthermore the Ramlila grounds were built specifically to hold large crowds.

As mentioned above, the liberal press has now fallen silent and moved on to other stories.But Hindus will never forget and nor should they. The slow surreptitious attacks against Hindus came out suddenly and openly in this attack, stage managed by the ignoble Rajput and his patrone. These were the reports at the time in the press. And the Congress attack dog continues to attack  what is fashionably  called ‘Hindu nationalism’ by the liberal media. The Communal Violence Bill, a partisan Bill and one which is clearly an attempt to attack the Hindu majority, has been produced. Most likely the opposition to this Bill, which is temporarily in suspension owing to the Mumbai terror attacks on July 13, 2011, will defeat this Bill. But its intent is clear, the attempt to concentrate power in the hands of a small group( which calls itself the Political Authority) who will try to bludgeon the Hindu community under the pretext that it is for the  protection of the minority. The present writer has already written about it in the article ‘ The Communal Violence Bill : A Joke or Malice Aforethought ?’ (See Haindava Keralam )

Matters now have come to a head with the ignoble Rajput and his daily attacks against the Sangh Parivar, an organization which is doing sterling service for the poor and the underprivileged of the country. His daily references to alleged Hindu terror and his further malicious allegations of the RSS being a bomb factory have till now been tolerated by the nation.

Surprisingly, the BJP had not responded as stridently as it might have until the last few days when Ravi Shankar Prasad put the problem in a nutshell during his press conference and said : Digvijay Singh is acting on an agenda, he is his master’s voice.

It has been speculated that Divijay Singh is doing what he is doing and saying what he is saying in order to catch the Muslim vote in the upcoming assembly elections in UP and in the larger general elections in 2014.

The present writer believes that there is more to it than meets the eye. It was an unfortunate day for the nation when the young and adventuresome Rajiv Gandhi went frolicking in pubs and restaurants in Cambridge town where he met a young unattached Italian woman working there,who had been sent by her family to study English in a school in Cambridge town to become an au pair girl or a domestic in England. Rajiv Gandhi returned to India with his young  bride. It all seemed liked a charming heart warming rags to riches story for the new bride. For the nation it has been a disaster. Somewhere the story changed its script.

The present writer has pointed out that this young bride could not be expected to identify or understand a culture and civilization so diametrically opposed to her Italian Judaeo Christian identity. It cannot be said once too often that since the Nicene Council of 325 A.D. the Christian church embarked on a world conquest almost similar to that other one a few centuries later, the Islamic one. And it continues to entertain that dream, witness the enormous funds that pour into India from evangelical missionary groups. It is not even clear that the government of India has bothered to monitor these groups and their activities. Even Jawaharlal Nehru, that staunch secularist, had paid more attention to the activities of troublesome missionaries in Nagaland , than the present Congress government whose real power lies with an Italian Catholic.

Can an Italian Catholic whose ancestral& historical memories are of a Christian country, genuinely identify with Hindu India ? Indian converts are a different cup of tea, since their roots are in this self same Hindu India, although here too crafty missionaries have been playing havoc. Witness the change introduced into the national anthem and sung by young Catholic converts (as reported on this site). It helps too to have a Congress Christian (under the tutelage of his patrone) as the Chief Minister of the state. At what stage did this Italian Catholic morph into someone who, the present writer believes, is inwardly hostile, not just indifferent, to Hindu India ? How else could she have ordered (if reports are true) the attack on a Hindu yoga guru, without batting an eyelid ? No self respecting Hindu would have done so and it is reported that Manmohan Sigh himself from a Dharmic faith, was not in on the plan. Attacking a Hindu guru is simply unthinkable for a dharmic Hindu or anyone from the affiliated dharmic faiths.

It is time for the Hindus of India to call both her and the ignoble Rajput on this issue. The nation cannot forget that the late Pope John Paul openly said that while the first millenium saw the Christianisation of Europe, the second saw the same process in the New World (the Americas) using disastrous methods which decimated the native cultures and the third would see it in Asia, more especially India.

The Italian Catholic may well be working on behalf of this world agenda, although the writings of  some others depict a much more mundane and sordid motivation, corruption. The ignoble Rajput has to his eternal shame decided that he would go along with his boss’s agenda. Some have speculated that he is merely using Rahul Gandhi as a ploy and hoping that at the right time he too could be secreted into the office of the Prime Minister of India, as was recently done in the case of the unelected Dr. Manmohan Singh.

His tenure as Chief Minister in Madhya Pradesh was tainted by allegations of corruption. Altogether an unattractive choice to be General Secretary of the once glorious Congress Party. And this ignoble and pitiful individual will not hesitate to attack Hindu India if given the chance. Those days are hopefully coming to an end.

( The writer is a Political Philosopher who taught at a Canadian university).

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